Abandoned dog desperately begged a police officer to adopt, cute gestures the officer couldn’t refuse.

A tiny puppy stood peacefully on a desolate street. I could not look at it without feeling sorry for it, such was the sadness and misery in its eyes. The dog is homeless, has nowhere to live, and no one knows it even exists.

The dog went up to a police station nearby and asked for help. The dog didn’t know if he would be accepted by anyone, but he wasn’t really given an option. With baby steps, the dog came up to the police station and knocked on the door.

Luckily, a police officer nearby heard the knock. When he opened the door, he noticed a dejected small puppy peering up at him, appealing for aid. Despite his shattered heart, he was unable to turn down such a kind gift.

The little dog gave him a hopeful look and waggled its tail. He could bear it no more and made the decision to pick up the dog and take it inside the base.

The puppy has become a member of the police station staff. From the start, it has shown to be a devoted and loving friend. It soon aroused the affection and curiosity of other policemen.

Since being adopted by a police officer, the dog’s life has taken a dramatic turn. The name Lucky was given to represent good fortune and new opportunities in life.

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