See The World’s Youngest Gorilla Being Hugged By Mom Hours After Being Born

These cute pictures show the world’s youngest baby gorilla being cuddled by its mom hours after being born.

Credit: SWNS

The tiny infant was just born at Bristol Zoo Gardens in England, helping secure the future of the critically-endangered species.

Momma Kala gave birth naturally overnight with dad Jock just a few meters away and the rest of the family troop nearby.

The new gorilla joins a troop of six at the zoo, which are part of a breeding program to help safeguard the future of western lowland gorillas.

Keepers found the little gorilla nestling in the arms of its nine-year-old mother, who came from Germany in 2018.

Lynsey Bugg, of Bristol Zoo, said the baby arrived in the early hours of Thursday.


Credit: SWNS

She said, “We are all thrilled. There is something very special about seeing a new-born baby gorilla, they are such an iconic and charismatic species.

Credit: SWNS

“[Kala] is being very attentive and taking good care of her baby. It’s very early days but we are cautiously optimistic.

“The early signs are good and the baby looks to be a good size and is strong.”



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Watch the Adorable Moment a Baby Gorilla Born Prematurely is Reunited With its Family

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo via SWNS

After their premature baby was hospitalized for weeks, this gorilla family had a delightful reunion that was captured by caretakers.

The tiny western lowland gorilla, nicknamed Baby G, was born October 26 at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Ohio.

Baby G was hailed with quite the fanfare in the city last Autumn, because it was the first baby gorilla to be born at the zoo in its 139-year history.

But they were in for a roller coaster ride of health issues.

When its 23-year-old mother Nneka did not show appropriate maternal care, the troop’s eldest female, Fredrika, 47—who herself has raised four infants elsewhere—instinctively took over looking after the newborn.

Baby G weighed only about three pounds at birth, and later contracted pneumonia, so he had to be separated from his family, in order to be treated.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, SWNS

Two weeks later, the now-healthy gorilla who weighed nearly seven pounds was reintroduced to his surrogate mother.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo-SWNS

Keepers at the zoo put the baby in a makeshift nest to get him used to how it would feel to be in the gorilla troop.

They then exited the enclosure and let in Fredrika who, after sniffing him for a few minutes, picked him up and has barely let go of him since.

The baby’s surrogate mother continued to impress the zoo’s staff by bouncing Baby G and displaying all the maternal instincts she had before he was removed.


The other gorillas, including its father, Mokolo, 24, welcomed the baby back into the group, with dad keeping a watchful eye.

WATCH the video that was just released in 2022…

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