An Extraordinary Custom: Eastern Indian Woman, 18, Ties the Knot with a Dog to Shield Her Family from Ill Fortune. SM

Despite having a lavish wedding ceremony with more than 70 guests in attendance, the bride Munda did not feel happy because the “groom” was a dog named Sheru.

The cause stems from Munda’s village guru telling her parents that they and the villagers will be in trouble if Munda gets married to the same man.

So the girl’s parents decided to let their child marry a dog to “cleanse”. Sheru was brought to the wedding venue and all present happily greeted the animal.

Munda is not satisfied with her wedding... Photo: Mirror

Munda is not satisfied with her wedding… Photo: Mirror

Munda confesses she is not satisfied with marrying a dog but still reluctantly agrees because it helps change the fate of her and her family. “The elder said my calamity would be transferred to the dog. Later, I will marry a decent husband to live a long life.”

India: 18-year-old girl marries… dog

In the meantime, Munda’s current “husband” is a stray dog ​​caught by her father, Sri Amnmunda.

India: 18-year-old girl marries… dog

Worth mentioning is that Munda is not the first person to marry a dog. Mr. Sri said many such weddings took place in the village and surrounding areas. “This is a religion that we fully believe in. Many girls have escaped disaster and live happily,” he said.

India: 18-year-old girl marries… dog

Munda’s wedding took place normally like other traditional weddings in India. Everyone was eating, dancing and singing happily. After the wedding ceremony, Munda can take care of the animal and keep Sheru as a pet in the house.

India: 18-year-old girl marries… dog

...but she still managed to look cheerful on her wedding day. Photo: Mirror

…but she still managed to look cheerful on her wedding day.

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