Are Pitbulls Dangerous: The Truth, the Facts, and the Bad Rap Myth

Stereotyping never solves debates. Are pit bulls dangerous? That depends on many factors. The first thing people must recognize is that canines can become aggressive, even if we love them to bits, including breeds like a German Shepherd, Rottweilers, and our most beloved Labrador.

There’s a ton of evidence that points to breed-specific data, types of pit bull owners, and dog bite statistics and fatalities in pit bull attacks. In reality, a pit bull isn’t a dog breed. Instead, it’s a group of medium and large dogs that contribute to the pit bull problem.

However, pit bulls are the poster child for dog bite fatalities, leaving other dogs with aggressive behavior and inherently dangerous qualities off the hook.

Are Pitbulls Dangerous

are pitbulls dangerous

American Staffordshire Bull Terrier (American Staffordshire Terrier), American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bully, American Bulldog, Blue Nose Pit Bulls, and mixed breeds from those dog breeds are considered dangerous animals. Blaming the non-existent pit bull breed is part of the problem.

Dog bite victims and the authorities tracking these events can’t always identify the specific breed, which compounds the problem and skews statistics.

Pit bulls or pitbulls have other names like Pitty, American Bully, Staffy, or Pit Terrier. It’s remiss to suggest some dogs from this category haven’t attacked, injured, mauled, or caused any deaths.

Despite many states outlawing dogfighting and violent organizations that host these barbaric events, many dogs are still bred to fight.

Danger Associated with Pit Bulls

why pitbulls are dangerous

The vast majority have a decided opinion on the dangers associated with pit bulls. Some studies contradict each other and find that pit bull breeds aren’t more aggressive, while others blame specific and stereotypical pit bull breed owners.

Pit bulls have a powerful grip and the body mass to anchor the bite. It’s what made this breed so effective in dog fighting rings.

Pit bulls, like all dogs, have needs like:

  • Regular physical and mental stimulation
  • Training for obedience, boundaries, behaviors
  • Understanding their role
  • A secure, enclosed space

Statistics about pitbull attacks or bites aren’t always tallied on exact parameters. If a pit bull breed bites, the wound is significant and reported. If a Yorkie or mini poodle bites, no one is running to the doctor.

Pit bulls are Unpredictable

It’s a fact: any dog can become unpredictable depending on unique circumstances, and ‘some’ dogs inflict serious and even deadly damage. One camp would like to see pit bull breeds euthanized and illegal to own. Others, including experts, suggest that pit bulls are no more or no less unpredictable.

Dogs are sentient beings and react to pain, stress, fear, or other significant triggers. Experts suggest reading a dog’s signals and body language is key, but explain that to a child walking toward an overzealous pitty.

What’s predictable is the outcome. Pit bulls have a bite force and determination to inflict damage. This aggression appeals to the circuit that promotes pit fighting.

Were Pit Bulls Bred for Aggression?

why are pitbulls so dangerous

Another fact that tends to taint pit bulls is their past. Centuries ago, dog fighting, bear and bull baiting were popular entertainment venues. These old dog breeds were used to attack wild animals chained to posts (humans are so disgusting) for entertainment. More recently, we had the Michael Vick dog-fighting scandal.

Breeders advanced certain genetic factors and traits in these pit-fighting dogs for a reason.

Then there’s the lovely myth of nanny dogs. Yes, decades ago, people used pit bull breeds to guard their children while they were away working. Before media attention distorted their image, pit bulls were gentle and loving playmates for children.

So what turned the tables from keeping pit bulls as nanny dogs to becoming dogs with a criminal past? Perhaps there is a common denominator that influences how pit bulls turn bad.

A Pitbull’s Upbringing Matters

A common denominator with some pit bull owners is that this particular breed helps them project an image or social status. Others jump on the bandwagon to save these dogs because they identify with the underdog.

A dog’s behavior can be traced back to their upbringing. Genetic markers in a breed, which makes them appealing to us, influence the dog’s personality and traits. Dogs, true to their wolf-pack history, need boundaries. They follow the rules set by their alpha.

Consistent training plays a key role, as does socializing and positive but firm behavior modifications.  Sometimes, that means hiring a professional to correct the problem we’ve allowed to develop.

Does a Pitbull Make a Good Family Dog?

are pit bulls aggressive

Yes, they can make wonderful family dogs, and there are thousands who will testify that their family pitty is loving, affectionate, and shows no signs of aggression. These dogs are valued family members. They aren’t abused, provoked, neglected, or chained to a stake and provoked into dog attacks.

After Hurricane Katrina, rescuers encountered many sweet and docile pit bulls. They also discovered the  “bad” pit bull type in the aftermath. These dogs drowned because their owners chained, abandoned, and neglected them.

Are Pit Bulls Good with Children?

For anyone who wants to hear that pit bulls are good nanny dogs, they aren’t going to hear it here. You should never leave a child alone with any dog—ever. However, many pit bull owners report that their family dog is affectionate and gentle.

You should know many organizations, including PETA, don’t see pit bulls as the misunderstood breed some advocacy groups believe they are. PETA firmly believes pit bulls are aggressive and may not show signs before an attack.

PETA supports breed-specific laws and wants to see more pit bulls sterilized and the breed outlawed.

Pit Bull Breed-Related Laws

unbiased truth about pit bulls

PETA supports breed-specific legislation and wants to see more pit bulls sterilized. The ASPCA endorses this stance by hosting free sterilization campaigns to solve another issue pit bulls face. Animal shelters battle abandoned, rescued, and lost dogs, and 63% are from the pit bull family.

People on both sides of the argument promote spay and neuter, but some suggest that only licensed breeders should be allowed to breed pit bulls—weird since puppy mills can also be licensed, and a license doesn’t make you a caring dog breeder.

Although there are many contested breed-specific laws, and many organizations strive to ban pit bulls permanently, it’s having the opposite effect on the pit bull dog population. Instead of decreasing, pit bull-type pets have increased.

Pitty breeds rose by 24%, while the long-time favorite Labrador Retriever fell by 17% in popularity. Based on DNA data, out of 90 million dogs, pitbull-type dogs (mixed breeds) are the #1 breed in America.

Breed-specific laws don’t necessarily protect innocent people from vicious dog attacks. The American Bar Association asked for the law repealed in 2012, as it doesn’t improve public safety and creates a false sense of security.

Canadian researchers discovered the incidence rate of dog bites had no bearing on municipalities with or without breed-specific laws. The Netherlands repealed its laws banning pit pulls as it was ineffective in preventing a dog attack.

Myths Associated with Pit Bulls

are pitbulls actually dangerous

As a former Doberman Pinscher pet parent, I know all about discrimination and how the media can distort our perceptions. Dobbies always get the leading role in Hollywood when they cast vicious guard dogs.

My last Dobbie, Bounder, guarded one thing: his ball (not very aggressively). My four dogs were affectionate, smart, and fun, and I trusted them to protect me (as long as the robber didn’t bring peanut butter). I also invested my time in their well-being and behavior. However, I wasn’t ignorant to the fact that originally, Doberman Pinschers were specifically bred as fierce guardians and to be intimidating.

Pit bulls and other breeds were used in a dog fighting operation syndicated that dates back centuries. Pet owners can’t ignore that despite a pitty’s gregarious grin, they can harm kids.

Pit bulls come with a legacy filled with myths that are based on fact and speculation and oodles of misdirected hate. Advocates for banning and eradicating pit bulls are motivated by personal tragedy or misinformed by academic frauds like Merritt Clifton, who has been discredited for misrepresenting facts for the research he taunts as valid in pit bull attacks.

Merritt Clifton appears to have his own agenda and is used as a resource in public safety campaigns and specific breed laws. However, at WAF, we support legitimate data from both sides of the debate—just don’t make stuff up.

  • Jaws that lock: Pit bulls have the same jaw mechanics as other canines.
  • Pit bull is a breed: Not true. There are four registered breeds and many mixed bull breeds.
  • Not compatible with other dogs: Multiple dog households are difficult for most breeds. Proper training, socializing, obedience, and exercise are key, and many pitties have canine siblings.
  • Only drug dealers and gangsters own pit bulls: Also false, as many distinguished people like doctors, teachers, and politicians own pit bulls.
  • Pit bulls are overtly aggressive toward people: Another falsehood. Pit bulls exhibit the same response to people and children as other dogs, and their aggression and behavior result from abuse, neglect, and improper training. Pitty owners love their gentle dogs because they’re loving.
  • Pitties think children are prey: History of the breed suggests they’re gentle toward children. However, they have a strong prey instinct, and some dogs may not like smaller dogs or cats.
  • Pitties have the strongest bite: Many other dogs have a stronger bite force.
  • Pit bulls believe dog fighting is mean: True. However, obedient dogs can be trained to behave aggressively by unscrupulous people who run dog fighting operations and host dog fights.

Remember that a puppy’s personality and temperament are programmed before 16 weeks. Positive exposure to sounds, handling, different environments, and people and children can shape a dog.

Things to Consider Before Owning a Pitbull

are pit bulls dangerous to other dogs

Ceasar Milan, Helen Keller, Jennifer Aniston, Betty White, Kevin Bacon, and other celebrities endorse pit bulls. So, do you have the gumption, tenacity, and unwavering sense of responsibility to parent a pitty breed?

Pit bull attacks are preventable. Recently, a woman in London, UK, was mauled by three pit bulls in a horrific attack. What should have been the headline is, “Callous Irresponsible Owners Leave Scene of Crime.”

Ask yourself:

  1. Do you have time to train a high-energy dog?
  2. Is your property secure without an escape?
  3. Can you ensure your dog will have a proper license, tags, microchip, and a collar suitable for a strong dog?
  4. Can you afford the liability insurance?
  5. Are you able to cover medical bills?
  6. Can you read body language and aggression cues in your dog and other dogs?
  7. Is getting exercise important to your current daily lifestyle?
  8. Who else shares your living space? A cat, a small dog, or a potential roommate?
  9. Do you have a backup plan for your prospective dog if you can’t provide for it?
  10. Can you commit to a puppy and adult dog training course?
  11. Are there breed-specific laws that can affect pet ownership where you live?
  12. What is your motivation for owning or rescuing a pitty?
  13. Does your future include changes to your current domestic situation?
  14. Are you strong and calm enough to break up a dogfight?
  15. How thick is your skin? You’ll likely be shunned or have to listen to rude comments.


Pitties sure have a bad rap, but the current pit bull population numbers suggest we adore them. They can be awesome family dogs like Golden Retrievers, Toy Poodles, Frenchies, and other popular dog breeds.

Is a Pit bull the Most Aggressive Domesticated Dog?

It depends on who you ask. Cane Corso, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Chow Chows, Rhodesian Ridgeback, and yes, my Dobbies have also made the list. The rise of designer breeds and dog breeders who don’t promote the best characteristics only adds fuel to the fire.

Pit bulls can have aggressive tendencies, as can chihuahuas, but stats suggest they’re responsible for 68% of dog attacks (1982).

Are Pit bulls Illegal to Own?

In recent years, it’s become illegal in some states, cities, or counties to own pit bulls and any other dog deemed aggressive as family pets. Always check with local authorities about the legalities of owning a breed that falls under the breed-specific umbrella. That can include mixed breeds of a certain pedigree or other dogs like Cane Corso that can bite people.

The UK, Canada, and the USA have very stringent breed-specific laws after many pit bull attacks and the severity of pit bull bites came to light.

Is Owning a Pitbull the Right Choice?

Only you can answer that. Stereotyping one breed or group is irresponsible and leads to bigger problems. If you can commit to owning an active and highly intelligent breed, you’d help many shelters overrun by abandoned or confiscated pit bulls. If you’re a first-time dog owner, rethink your qualifications.

Owning a dog is a lifetime commitment. No do-overs.


My Dobbies would rather lick my face than bite me. However, when I played with them, I sometimes bore the brunt of their hard heads and sharp teeth. Contact hurt, and I can’t imagine the injuries those accidents could have caused a child, regardless of the intention.

Pit bulls are targeted, and statistics are hotly debated. Many cry for tougher dog ownership regulations; others want these breeds euthanized and permanently wiped off the face of the earth. Many more are trying to save as many of these breeds as humanely possible.

If you’re interested in owning a dog, volunteering at a shelter is a great place to start.

Disclaimer: This article contains certain opinions and viewpoints that solely belong to the author. The World Animal Foundation supports our writers’ content, but certain individual opinions expressed in this article remain the author’s responsibility, and WAF should not be held accountable for them.



12 Reasons Pit Bulls Are the Best Guard Dogs

Pit bulls are solidly built, loving, and loyal dog breeds that will go to great lengths to protect their families. These breeds have the muscle to stand their ground and the courage to enter (or stay) in potentially dangerous situations to ensure the safety of their loved ones.


Breeds considered under the pit bull umbrella include:

  • American pit bull terrier.
  • American bully.
  • American Staffordshire terrier.
  • Staffordshire bull terrier.
  • American bulldog.
  • Bull terrier.

AZ Animals talked to security and animal experts about the reasons pit bulls are the best guard dogs. Discover 12 reasons why these breeds provide excellent guard dog services.


Natural Protective Instinct

Isolated puppy dog looking at camera.
Owners may notice their puppy’s natural protective instinct as early as 10 weeks old.©Petra Richli/iStock via Getty Images

Like other traditional guard dogs, pit bull breeds have a natural protective instinct that propels them to stand in between danger and the person or people they love. Female individuals of pit bull breeds may become especially protective of young children or other animals they deem their “children.”

Eugene Klimaszewski, the president of Mammoth Security, knows what it takes to keep a family safe. Not only has he worked in security for several years; but he also owns a pit bull and knows first-hand how great they are at protecting what they love.

“[Pit bulls] combine courage with a natural instinct to protect, making them excellent at sensing potential threats and serving as deterrents,” he said. “Their protective nature is bolstered by their remarkable emotional intelligence.”

High Emotional Intelligence

Portrait of a happy American Pitbull Terrier dog on a walk. A beautiful female hand scratches dog's ear. Dog portrait, horizontal photo
Emotionally intelligent dogs have the empathy to understand their owners’ feelings.©Tosha Bu/

Did you know that dogs have several types of intelligence? Not only do they have “normal” intelligence that aids in problem-solving, they have obedience, instinct, and emotional intelligence. The latter has to do with empathy — and pit bull breeds are kind, sensitive souls who can detect a shift in feelings.

“Pit bulls are keenly attuned to their family’s emotions and can react appropriately to various situations,” Klimaszewski said.

The loyalty and empathy pit bull breeds have for their families does beg for boundaries, according to Klimaszewski. “It’s essential to foster this protective instinct through proper training and socialization. This ensures that their protective nature is guided by obedience and control.”


Female American Pit Bull Terrier and male Cane Corso Italianо sitting on green grass among tall trees against the backdrop of a cool evening summer landscape
Pit bull breeds have a high level of alertness.©Liudmila Bohush/

Guard dogs need to maintain an alert attitude if they’re going to guard anything. Pit bull breeds are great at keeping one eye on potential threats and another on having fun. The emotional intelligence, coupled with their empathy, loyalty, and clear training boundaries create a great guard dog that can decipher threats to safety from a friendly neighbor or the mailman dropping off a package.

Steadfast Loyalty

happy couple in love at home. Afro american woman, caucasian man and their pit bull dog together. Family concept
Pit bull breeds love their owners fiercely.©Eva Blanco/iStock via Getty Images

Among the lists of the most loyal dog breeds, you’ll find at least one of the previously mentioned pit bull breeds. Despite being raised as a worker, not a companion, pit bull breeds remain happiest when they’re next to their owner — whether they’re completing a task or relaxing on the couch.

Loyalty is a double-edged sword, though, and nearly no other dog breed group understands that as well as the bully breeds. Responsible ownership is non-negotiable with a dog that places its full loyalty in its owner; they work to keep you safe and trust you to do the same.

Intimidating Bark

dog food for Pitbulls
Barking from a larger dog can scare off burglars.©Sophia Tr/

Dogs can prevent home break-ins. While there’s no hard and fast rule about the type of dog that prevents the most break-ins, bully breeds and other muscular, deep-bark dogs have a much better chance of scaring off an intruder over a toy breed like a Chihuahua or a Yorkshire terrier.

According to research conducted by CNET, burglars would prefer less noise. Louis Wood, a private security firm owner from San Antonio has heard “multiple accounts from burglars who say that all things being equal they will always opt for a house without a dog.”

Even technology follows the commonly-held belief: since 2021 Amazon’s Alexa allows users to enable a “barking dog” routine that sounds dog barks when a linked camera device perceives a human’s movement outside of the home.


photograph of a tricolor PITBULL dog. photo taken in close-up of a puppy posing for a beauty show
Training a pit bull starts off challenging but gets much easier when you develop rapport with your dog.©Sophia Tr/

Because pit bull breeds have so much loyalty and eagerness to please their owners, they’re exceptionally trainable. Take, for example, a personal anecdote from dog trainer and chief editor of TrainYourGSD.comAndrew Garf.

“I’ll never forget the first pit bull I ever trained — a sweet girl named Rosie who was a complete velcro dog when it came to her eight-year-old owner, Cole. She followed him everywhere, constantly checking in on him.

“One afternoon, Cole was bouncing on the trampoline when he lost his balance and took a bit of a tumble. Before his mom could even react, Rosie was by his side, gently nuzzling him to make sure he was okay. Whenever he sniffled from a skinned knee or had a nightmare at night, Rosie was there to comfort him. It was clear she had appointed herself his protector.”

This reaction comes from both consistent training with boundary practice and a deep, mutually respectful relationship between the pit bull and its owner.

Best of Both Worlds

White Pit Bull with Ball in Shelter
Guard dog breeds that can work hard and play hard provide their families with incredible companionship.©Crystal Alba/

Though pit bull breeds have a fierce reputation as protectors, guards, and strong canines, they’re goofy and fun, too. These dogs work hard and play harder, providing the best of both worlds to families. It means they can turn on a dime from fun to alert — keeping families and young children safe during playtime.

Meg Marrs, a dog trainer, animal shelter volunteer, the owner of the dog care website K9 of Mine, and the proud owner of a pit bull shared her two cents on why pit bull breeds’ personalities make them great guard dogs.

“Pitties are great security dogs because they can be quite intimidating with their barks and posturing, but are often complete sweeties with their people and many are known for being huge cuddle bugs.”

Loving Nature

A Smiling Red Nose Pit Bull
Pit bulls often provide the best of both worlds: guard dog and goofy, loveable companion.©Matthew Lyon/

Garf weighed in again with a comment about the pit bull breed’s loving nature. “As a trainer, I always encourage families to establish rules, boundaries, and socialization early on. Pit bulls have so much love to give, so nurture this gentle side too — not just their protective instincts.”

The downside can be they are *too* vigilant about possible threats from guests, loud noises, and other animals. A poorly-trained pit bull breed individual may accidentally injure a child it protects if it doesn’t understand boundaries. However, some extra TLC and training help keep their anxiety and overprotectiveness in check.

Strength and Athleticism

A labrador pitbull cross swimming in the blue caribbean sea. The dog lives in Grand Cayman and has been shot on a sunny day in the water
The average pit bull breed dog is muscular and athletically inclined.©Drew McArthur/

On average, pit bull breeds have stocky, athletic builds. These dogs are made of muscle — and look like it. Most pit bull breeds find their origins in the fields and farms of humans hundreds of years ago. Employed as stock dogs, catch dogs, farm guardians, and farmhands, bully breed evolution has maintained the dogs’ solid build for a range of impressive strength, endurance, and agility showings.


White pit bull terrier dog laying on grey sofa in a living room
Pit bulls are incredibly obedient to their masters.©Veronica Varos/

The sad reality remains that pit bull breeds developed their negative public opinion from irresponsible owners. Because these owners in the 1980s usurped the breed’s loyalty to force dogs to fight each other, misinformed media saw their action and branded the dogs aggressive and dangerous. The true danger in the situation, however, was the humans’ cruel twists of pit bulls’ pure, innocent loyalty.

Pit bull breeds will put themselves in danger for the ones they love. Their extreme loyalty knows nearly no bounds — and will guide a canine’s actions and reactions to a multitude of situations. Pit bulls make great guard dogs for responsible owners who train their canines to protect them because they’re able to differentiate a threat from a friend and act in the best interest of their family.


Blue nose Pit bull dog
Guard dogs must possess a level of confidence to make decisions on their own.©Diego Thomazini/

The American Kennel Club defines the American bulldog — one of the breeds considered a pit bull breed” as loyal and self-confident. Confidence is key in a guard dog because it enables the canine to make their own decisions. To protect others, they must trust themselves and their reactions to situations.

Confidence is both inherent in a dog’s personality and supplemented by the owner. Pit bulls who receive proper training and socialization can become more confident in the actions they take on their own because they base those decisions within the boundaries they’ve learned to obey from their owner.

Well-Rounded Intelligence

Large Brindle and white beagle pit bull mixed breed Rescue Dog with white chin and white chest wearing blue collar looking up at camera with white socks
A pit bull has emotional, obedience, and problem-solving intelligence.©Karen Dole/

As mentioned above, dogs have more than one type of intelligence that humans measure to roughly decide how “smart” a breed is. Pit bulls rank high in every type of intelligence, making them both excellent companions and easy-to-train partners. Coupled with their eagerness to please their owners and loyalty, pit bulls understand hundreds of commands and catch on quickly to new tricks taught to them.


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