Heartwarming moment Louisiana boy reassures his pit bull rescue dog he is ‘so loved’ after he saved up for adoption fee

Here is the heartwarming moment a Louisiana boy tells his newly adopted dog that he’s safe after the pit bull was rescued from an abusive home.

The moment was filmed by a Baton Rouge mother, who posted it to TikTok in a video that has since been viewed nearly 2million times.

In the video, the woman’s seven-year-old son can be seen petting their dog on the head, and saying ‘I know your other owner wasn’t that nice, but we love you.’


The dog, a blonde pit bull mix named Neil, was adopted from the family’s local shelter after it was removed from an abusive home that had left him covered in cigarette burns.

They adopted Neil after the shelter, Companion Animal Alliance, offered adoptions for just $15 to promote animal rescues. The mother said her son saved up his pocket money and paid for Neil’s adoption fees himself.



Neil was rescued from a home where his previous owner would put cigarettes out on him

Neil was rescued from a home where his previous owner would put cigarettes out on him


In the short clip, Neil could be seen curled up on a couch, while the boy knelt in front of him and pats him along his back.

‘We love you so much, we would do anything to keep you safe,’ the boy said.

As he pat him again, Neil’s tail could be seen wagging up and down.

‘My son wanted a dog of his own and the shelter was having $15 adoptions,’ the woman captioned the video.

‘So off to the animal shelter we went! This sweet boy was seized from his owners because of abuse.’

The mother, who asked to remain anonymous, posted the video to her account named TheCrazyZoo, evidently a nod to her animal-fill home that she showcases in her videos.

She said her family already had a pair of dogs, but that her son had desperately wanted a dog of his own.

‘We previously had two other dogs, and my son really wanted one of his own,’ she told Newsweek. ‘He paid for Neil with his own money that he earned.

‘Neil is settling in great and is part of the family. My son always reminds us that Neil is his dog and he takes care of him.’


Neil was adopted for just $15 after his shelter offered the deal to promote animal rescues
Neil was adopted for just $15 after his shelter offered the deal to promote animal rescues


The seven-year-old boy paid for Neil's adoption fee with money he saved up himself
The seven-year-old boy paid for Neil’s adoption fee with money he saved up himself


According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 3.1 million dogs go to shelters each year, but only 2 million are adopted.

The mother told Newsweek that those numbers motivated her to adopt Neil.

Viewers were equally touched by the video, with many commenting on what $15 bought the family.

‘Can you believe that you’re going to have years of happiness for what people pay for a Starbucks thank you so much for rescuing,’ one wrote.

‘I could cry. He just found a lifelong best friend and that dog will trust again because of your sweet boy!’ said another.

‘Thank you for adopting! All of the shelters are so full and struggling to keep up,’ a third commented.


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