As a poacher’s trap threatens her life, Mama courageously gives birth, fighting to stay alive

It’s a mother’s instinct to do everything possible to protect her offspring. Even if that mama is a hyena stuck in a poacher’s trap fighting to stay alive.

The hyena was walking beside the Savé River in Zimbabwe when she got caught in a trap set by hunters, and she ended up giving birth to three cubs right there.

She was in so much pain in this trap, and many mothers don’t survive the process to begin with.

As she fought for her life on the verge of death, it was also her top priority to protect her little ones. So she dug a small hole to hide them in to keep them safe.

The African Wildlife Conservation Fund then arrived after receiving word of a wounded hyena in the area.

Rescuers tranquilized the hyena and moved her to find a surprise; There were two newborn cubs moving around in the dirt. Unfortunately, one other cub had already passed before they showed up.

Source: African Wildlife Conservation Fund

They carefully removed Mama from the trap and saw that her wounds weren’t very deep. They gave her antibiotics and an IV to stave off dehydration.

Source: African Wildlife Conservation Fund

As the cubs were nudged toward their mother, they began suckling.

Source: African Wildlife Conservation Fund

The African Wildlife Conservation Fund took to Facebook to say:

“We swiftly moved away, and out of sight, so as not to alarm the hyena when she woke up. We watched from a distance and were elated when we saw the female back on her feet and acknowledging the pups! What we witnessed yesterday was testament to the resilience of wild animals.”

They returned later to find that the mother had relocated to another den and took her offspring with her. What a miracle for this little family.

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