Attackers Beat Up Lone Cop, But They Didn’t Know His K-9 Partner Was With Him

Deputy Todd Frazier believes he wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for the bravery of his K-9 partner on a fateful night when Frazier almost ended up losing his life. The night began as per routine, but when Frazier saw a car parked at the side of the road with its lights turned off, he felt something was off.

Image/Story Source Credit: CNN via YouTube Video


Frazier stopped his own car and walked up to the parked car to perform a routine welfare check. Inside the car, he saw the silhouette of a man sitting. That’s when things went downhill. Suddenly, two men jumped out from the bushes and charged at Frazier. This was an ambush!

Image/Story Source Credit: CNN via YouTube Video


As the men dragged Frazier into the woods and beat him up, Frazier pressed a button that unlocked the backdoor of his patrol car. This was the signal his K-9 partner, a Belgian Malinois named Lucas, needed as he dashed out of the car to save his partner.

Image/Story Source Credit: CNN via YouTube Video


The K-9 officer charged at the attackers, injuring them grievously. Although the attackers managed to escape, Frazier and Lucas came out of the incident alive. Both Frazier and Lucas suffered multiple injuries in the skirmish, but are recovering well. Lucas was awarded the Brookhaven Animal League Rescue Hero of the Year award for his bravery! Go, Lucas!


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