‘Failed’ Guard Dog Ate Her Last Meal But Vet Couldn’t Put Her Down

A guard dog named Ginger was dumped by her owner because she didn’t do a good job. She was left at a kill shelter, where she was immediately put on the euthanasia list. The heartbreaking photo below shows Ginger eating her last meal. But her life was about to change!


The shelter’s veterinarian couldn’t fathom putting Ginger down so he called Sidewalk Specials and asked them for help. You see, Ginger had hope in her eyes. She wagged her tail incessantly. The doctor knew she’d make the perfect pet. And Sidewalk Specials agreed!


Ginger was driven to the rescue center, and her story was posted online. The pup needed additional veterinary care before she could be adopted. Donations poured in from dog lovers across the globe! All Ginger wanted was to be healthy and find a loving home… and guess what?! Her dreams came true!

To see Ginger’s happily ever after, click play on the video below. Thank you to the kind vet and Sidewalk Specials for making Ginger’s new life possible!


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