Blind Dog Couldn’t Hold His Joy When Runs Free In His Own Field After A Year In Shelter

Jacko, a six-year-old border collie, had spent more than one year at a shelter in the United Kingdom, and his time there was getting over as he was put on euthanasia list as no one came to adopt him for being blind.

When his euthanizing day got close, the application just showed up in the exact time. A volunteer at Many Tears Animal Rescue called Cassie Mogford said that the loudness makes him anxious as he could not see, but everyone at the shelter liked him.

She also added that he is always happy, clever, loving, and cuddly, but finding a forever home for him took time. The shelter decided that the best place for him is an adult-only household, which left him with less potential adopters.

Fortunately, the arriving of Sue changed everything. A clip of the dog was seen by Sue, who went to the shelter to see him. She fell in love with him from the first sight. She then applied to adopt him. Thankfully, everything was great and the cute dog went to live with his new mama.

He now has a great life to spend with his mama’s home, where he has his own field to run free. Thanks to Sue and the shelter volunteers who did what they could to give Jacko the life he deserves. What a happy ending!

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