Devastated Cat Spent One Year Above Her Dead Owner’s Grave

It is known that animals in general are loyal to their owners despite their types; but what is common in raising animals is raising pets just like dogs and cats. These animals are badly loyal to their owners as they do what they can for them. A cat was doing a strange behavior by visiting a cemetery every day and clinging to a particular tombstone.

Keli Keningau Prayitno, a 28-year-old man noticed that and he decided to know the story behind this. The man found out that the cat doing this for a whole year and it just went to eat and then came back to the grave.

He also noticed that the cat was fed by children and women but it didn’t feel a bond with them and always comes back to the cemetery. Many strange passer-bys would also give the cat water and food, and they also tried to take it out of the tomb, but no avail.

Actually, this act shows us that the cat was treated greatly by its owner that was a woman. This story shows us that cats also have feelings just like humans and they do what any human do when they lose something they love.

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