“Canine Conga: Dog Trainer Breaks World Record with 14 Dancing Dogs” .hh

New world record: Most dogs in a conga line

Have you ever witnessed dogs getting groovy and forming a conga line? It’s a guaranteed good time!

14-dog conga line breaks Guinness World Record in Germany

It’s not every day that you witness something as quirky as this, but in Germany, a group of 14 dogs recently formed a conga line and paraded around the city. The reason behind this unconventional spectacle? Well, the dog trainer responsible for this feat, Wolfgang Lauenburger, has officially set a new Guinness World Record for having the most number of dogs in a conga line.

14-dog conga line breaks Guinness World Record in Germany

On the 25th of August, 2022, Lauenburger executed the deed in Stuckenbrock.

14-dog conga line breaks Guinness World Record in Germany

Emma, Filou, Fin, Simon, Susy, Maya, Ulf, Speck, Bibi, Katie, Jennifer, Elvis, Charly, and Cathy were all part of the conga line of dogs.

Trainer Sets Record for Most Dogs in a Conga Line

Check out this amazing sight! Guinness World Records has uploaded a video on Facebook showcasing an incredible feat that you wouldn’t want to miss. The caption reads, “Have you witnessed a more perfectly synchronized dog conga line?”

According to the Guinness World Records, Lauenburger has broken yet another record. This isn’t the first time they’ve accomplished such a feat, though. Wolfgang and his daughter Alexa have a history of breaking records with their talented dogs. In fact, Alexa previously held the title for achieving 9 of this particular record in February 2022.

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