Posted in iheartdogs

Couple Wakes Up To Their Dog Barking Outside, So They Walk To The Shed

A couple just outside of Houston was alerted in the middle of the night by their barking dog out in the yard. Archie heard something…

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Posted in iheartdogs

Dog Gets A New Home And “Freaks-Out”, When She Sees What’s In Her Backyard

When this Westie saw her new home, we all know she got excited – jumping and screeching and tail wagging. You can bet that this…

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His Dog Stops And Stares At The Person He Hasn’t Seen For 3-Years

Many dog owners often find themselves wondering if their pets would remember them after an extended period of time spent apart. But dogs are incredibly…

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Family Dumps Their “Ugly Dog”, Doctors Transformed Him With A ‘Life-Altering’ Surgery

This is the story of a dog, Bjarni, who was rescued from a difficult home with a disfigured face. Despite being ignored by passersby at…

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Alaskan Malamutes Sing The ‘Song Of Their People’ On The Way To The Groomer

The Alaskan Malamute is an incredibly expressive and talkative dog breed, so it’s not surprising that when you have three of them in your household,…

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Drama Queen Pit Bull ‘Faints’ In Slow Motion To Avoid Getting Nails Clipped

Grooming appointments with your pet may be a delightful experience or somewhat of a living nightmare. Some pets welcome having their coats washed, combed, and…

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Starving Mama Dog And Her Malnourished Newborns Saved Just In Time

With many cases in animal rescue, timing is critical. One ticking clock scenario is when rescuers have the chance to save newborn puppies. The first…

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Frantic Labrador Begs Cop To ‘Follow’ Him And Seconds Later, They’re Both Heroes

Imagine if you’re driving and see a dog running around a neighborhood. Would you pull over and investigate what was happening, or would you keep…

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Posted in iheartdogs

Caring Cop Stops In ‘Busy’ Traffic Attempting To Save Tiny Pooch Hit By Car

Officer Joe Puglia of Pinellas Park, Florida was on his way to work when he suddenly saw a heartbreaking accident. A small dog had been…

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Blind Dog Opens Eyes For First Time After Surgery, Owners Pray It’s A Success

When Duffy the Irish Terrier was rescued from a shelter after an eternity, he was the happiest dog on earth. His new parents lavished him…

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