Alaskan Malamutes Sing The ‘Song Of Their People’ On The Way To The Groomer

The Alaskan Malamute is an incredibly expressive and talkative dog breed, so it’s not surprising that when you have three of them in your household, things can get a little noisy. You’re about to see this play out in the video below. The family is on their way to the groomer when the dogs start singing!

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube Video

Travis, Leila, and Zoe are sitting in the backseat, and they start singing the song of their people. And they do it in perfect harmony! According to the owners, their Alaskan Malamutes do this two times a day! I just don’t know how Mom and Dad can handle this in the car right in their ears.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube Video


Can you imagine three Alaskan Malamutes singing twice a day every day? That sure would be something! You gotta love them!

Click the video below to watch this trio of singing dogs!

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