Couple Adopted Dog Who Is Very Similar To Their Dog, Then Finds Out Why

Alyssa DeLuca lives with her partner Zachary Chin a normal life with their dog. One day, DeLuca was checking her Facebook and saw a post, that was shared by Trenton Animals Rock, and everything then was changed.

The post was about a Shar-Pei/chow chow mix dog, who was available for adoption. DeLuca said that once she saw the dog, she thought that it was her boyfriend’s dog Arthur, as he looks exactly like him. So, DeLuca directly showed the post to Zack, who was in a big shock as his dog just looks like the dog in the post. After seeing the post, the couple decided to adopt him despite having no initial plans to get another one.

In just an hour, the couple contacted the shelter and submitted a form to foster and eventually adopt the dog, Wes. Wes was somehow afraid and nervous when he arrived home for the first time, but he came out of his shell after knowing that he could trust his new family. Once Arthur saw Wes, the both dogs created a great bond as they became best friends.

DeLuca said that despite having different personalities, Wes and Arthur complement each other. So, the family decided to get an Embark DNA test kit to know what they exactly are. This did not end here, as Arthur and Wes were brothers.

The family was completely shocked, but they know that it was meant for Wes to be adopted by them to meet his brother again. What a happy ending!

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