Dogs with health issues and impairments often face difficulties. Owners who do not willing to take on the responsibility of caring for them frequently put them down or leave them.

But a dog should be free to live and be loved like any other dog, so long as it is not in suffering. One disabled dog is not only doing well after receiving a second chance, but he is also the “happiest dog in the world!”

When Jennifer Osborne entered a pet store in 2016, she noticed Moose, a dog with a big underbite and a fixed smile.

She learned that this had to do with Moose’s congenital brain abnormality, which had parts of his brain missing.

“Probably while he was still in the womb, Moose’s nose was pushed into his skull, which caused the under-bite, crooked nose, deformed skull, deformed brain and eye issues,” Jennifer told Metro.

Jennifer immediately fell in love with the puppy and was worried that if Moose ended up in the wrong hands, his health issues may force his death.

She thus took him under her wing and gave Moose a secure home.

Jennifer was aware that the road ahead would not be simple because Moose’s health issues required constant care.

Regarding his seizures, Jennifer stated, “They affect the body and the brain and left his whole body twitching and him foaming at the mouth.”

After she gave the dog an MRI, the full scope of his medical problems became apparent: he had a cyst where sections of his brain were missing, and he had neither a forehead nor sinuses.

Jennifer said on Instagram, “His front brain is squished in, but the rest of his brain is good.” “Moose’s problem is unlike any other dog that his neurologist has ever seen.”

She learned that although the dog would have seizures for the rest of his life, they could be managed with medicine and would not shorten his life.

Jennifer is happy to have Moose in her life and is ready to tackle any challenges that may arise. In spite of this, he is a happy and active dog.

She told Metro, “We’re very lucky Moose survived, period, with everything that’s happened to him.” “He truly is a miracle.”

Moose has a broad smile on his face and seems appreciative of each day he is given to live.

Jennifer said, “He’s amazing and a blessing in my life.” “I am grateful that he is my dog because he is the happiest dog I have ever met.”

That Moose is doing well and living his best, happiest life makes us very pleased!

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