Couple Awakens to Find Random Malnourished Dog in the Living Room – and All the Windows and Doors Shut

Jack Jokinen was awakened suddenly on a frigid December morning in Philadelphia by his concerned wife who needed his help unraveling a mystery: there was a dog in their living room.

LISTEN to the inspiring story told on the radio by our GNN founder in the Good News Guru podcast below—or READ the full story after that…

Since all their doors and windows were shut tight, they had no idea how the malnourished pup had gotten into their home.

Upon reviewing the household’s security footage from the previous night, Jokinen saw that he had not latched the door properly after returning from walking their dog George. As the winds picked up throughout the evening, the door to the sidewalk was blown wide open.

The footage then shows the skinny pup at 3AM wandering down the city street. It noticed the open door and wandered right inside. Further into the video they saw a Good Samaritan passing by who pulled the door shut, shortly after the dog slipped into the house.

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I just woke up to this puppy in my house and we have no idea how it got here.

Obviously emaciated, and covered in fleas, Jack and his wife debated whether to try and locate the dog’s rightful owners—but they opted for taking her to the veterinarian instead.

Expensive vet bills were looming after a paw infection and dental issues were uncovered—but when the compassionate couple learned the dog was 9 years old, they decided to adopt her and provide a comfortable ‘forever home’ for her senior years.


“We decided that of all the bad things that could happen by leaving your door open in the middle of winter in a major city, to end up with a sweet dog, who has come off the street…we have to give this a try,” Jokinen told The Dodo.

They named the dog ‘Suzy’, and took their friends’ advice to launch a donation page to help pay for her hefty medical bills. Within two days of posting her picture, they were flooded with donations to cover her care.

Suzy has since gained a healthy amount of weight and become a beloved part of the Jokinen family—who now sees the mysterious gusty wind that night as a fortuitous moment for all to share.

“In a way, this isn’t our dog—it’s the internet’s dog.”

(WATCH the video below)

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