Terrified Puppy Found Wandering On Beach Shows An Amazing Transformation

This story speaks about a dog called Squishy, who was very terrified when she was seen for the first time on the beach of Saipan, an island! Seeing that she was in bad condition, beachgoers called Boonie Babies Rescue for help.

The Boonie Babies Rescue’s founder, Aria Keilbach, said that her home was so close to the beach, so, she was able to be on the beach within 5 mins. The dehydration and heat left Squishy exhausted and weak. Keilbach knew that the dog was dumped as she had a collar on!

It was obvious that Squishy hadn’t been raken care for many weeks from her mange, tick disease, and malnourishment, but she was abandoned on the beach for just a day or two! Despite snapping and barking at Keilbach and her team of volunteers, they were able to catch her easily as she was very weak!

So, the dog was wrapped in a towel, and was taken by Keilbach. She was very scared, but she directly realized that the surrounded people wanted to help her, so, she stopped being aggressive and started wagging her tail.

Thankfully, with time, the dog healed in bounds and leaps, and she started getting her fur back! Keilbach usually finds homes for the dogs she rescues, but after seeing how great and beautiful Squishy is, she decided to adopt her for her own! What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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