Cyclists find five puppies buried in hole, give them a ride to save their lives

Saving innocent souls is something that makes anyone happy. And that’s what happened with 5 abandoned puppies who were found by a professional cyclist, who decided to help them.

The Brazilian biker, Tyago Costa Silva, gave the puppies a ride to guide them to their destinations. The man, found the puppies in a hole, had made up his plans to help them.

It seemed that the puppies were left there to die, but destiny had another opinion. All the bikers then decided to help the puppies and give them water and food.

Tyago even shared a post on Instagram while feeding the puppies with water. The bikers then put the puppies in their shirts and continued their way for 12km!

Tyago decided to take the animals home with him to take care of them. He said that he was very upset to see such innocent animals being abandoned! He also said that he hoped they would find forever homes.

And that’s what happened! As their story went viral and they went to forever homes! What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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It’s always heartwarming to hear stories of people going out of their way to help animals when they’re in need.

When one cyclist found a group of five puppies who had been abandoned and left for dead, he went above-and-beyond to help them, giving them a ride and helping to find homes.

Thyago Costa Silva, a professional cyclist from Brazil, was out training with friends. But a shocking, saddening sight in the middle of nowhere led them to change course.


The cyclists found five puppies, buried in a hole: “Someone dug the hole and left them there to die,” Tyago told The Dodo. “They were weak and couldn’t escape.”


The cyclists were shocked and saddened by the sight, and couldn’t believe that anyone would do something so cruel to the tiny puppies.

They knew they had to help. After pulling over, they gave them food and water. Video posted on Tyago’s Instagram account shows him giving water from his bottle to the very thirsty pups.

“They just wanted to survive,” he said.

After providing them with water, the cyclists went even further, putting the puppies in their shirts and biking 12 miles to get them help.


Tyago went even further, taking the five puppies into his own home to further care for them.

“It was very emotional,” Tyago told The Dodo. “I took them home and took care of them.”

He still couldn’t believe the cruelty they faced, but hoped that the puppies could soon find new homes. “I hope they get a home, get owners who have a real heart,” he wrote on Instagram.



Thankfully, the puppies’ sad story has a happy ending: they have all found their forever homes, thanks to Tyago’s help.


“They will have a better life,” the cyclist told The Dodo. “I’m sure they will be well taken care of. This makes me so happy.”

While Tyago says he’s received a lot of praise and attention for saving the dogs, he says it was just the right thing to do.

“I didn’t do it for the media, I don’t need it, I did it for love, I did it as any other good-hearted human being would,” he wrote on Instagram.

“Thank you so much to everyone and to God for giving me a better day and an opportunity to experience this, it was magical and I would do it as many times as possible.”


It’s heartbreaking to think that anyone would leave these puppies for dead like that, but we’re so glad they’re safe now. Thank you to Tyago and his friends for going the extra mile to save these poor dogs!

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