Discovering this dog with a bandage on its mouth on the side of the road, they did not hesitate to run to save. C

Plumbing technician Carlos Carrillo and his colleague where enjoying a typical Friday until they were called to rescue the life of a puppy that had been abandoned by someone who had no empathy for animals.


The two Shoreline Plumbing employees were on their way to a job near Robstown, Texas, when they saw an odd person in a ditch off the country road they were on. Unsure about what they had just witnessed, they decided to pull over and take a closer look.

Carrillo said to The Dodo, “We didn’t realize he was a dog at first.” “We turned around and saw him.”

They found the dog in a bad way very immediately; he was duct-taped shut and his mouth was bound with tubing.


The two Shoreline Plumbing employees were on their way to a job near Robstown, Texas, when they saw an odd person in a ditch off the country road they were on. Unsure about what they had just witnessed, they decided to pull over and take a closer look.

Carrillo said to The Dodo, “We didn’t realize he was a dog at first.” “We turned around and saw him.”

They found the dog in a bad way very immediately; he was duct-taped shut and his mouth was bound with tubing.


Clearly, whomever had abandoned the dog in that way meant for it to suffer alone; but, Carrillo and his colleague weren’t going to let that. They rushed to his aid and used their powers of extraction to liberate him.

‘He looked OK,” Carrillo reported. “He was friendly and loved the extra attention. Considering his short stay, it’s likely that he’ll be returning soon.”


When they were done, the plumbers drove the puppy to a no-kill shelter called Peewee’s Pet Adoption, where they dropped it off. Despite his ordeal, the dog was filled with gratitude toward the kind strangers who had stopped to assist him.

Carrillo pointed to a worried expression on his face. The character said, “He knows he’s rescued!”


As it turned out, the dog has heartworms following his adventure, so medication will be necessary as long as he remains healthy. Most of the time, he just appears to be content with being alive.

A shelter representative told The Dodo that the dog’s tail “won’t stop wagging. “What a sweetie,” I said.

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