Dog About To Break Down While Watching Emotional Movie Turns To Dad For Comfort

The English Bull Terrier is a highly creative and sensitive dog breed. They enjoy being amused with games and puzzles, and prefer mental stimulation through television shows and movies.




The Bull terrier is also a big movie lover. He loves to cuddle up with his parents on the sofa as they watch their favorite shows on TV. The loving dog gets so absorbed in watching television that Dad has to intervene to check on him!


In this movie, the Bull Terrier is completely captivated. He fidgets his body and barks every few seconds as he watches the dramatic events in the film because he is so overwhelmed. Just as he begins to worry and panic, Dad, who is rubs the dog’s chest with his hand to try and comfort him.


The Bull Terrier regains his composure and relaxes as a result of Dad’s timely intervention. However, the dog is so pleased now that he wants to thank Dad for consoling him at just the right time!



The puppy nuzzles up to his father’s shoulder and expresses his gratitude the next instant. Dad holds his little boy protectively in his arms, and they return to watching the film in this peaceful mood.


You’re going to LOVE this adorable video below. Please be sure to watch until the end – enjoy!


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‘Exciting movie, luckily dad is there to comfort us. from funny

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