Everyone Has Their Own ‘Superhero’. For This Soldier, It Was These 3 Dogs

When we relocate to a new location, we usually anticipate that the people will be polite, giving, and pleasant. Sergeant Chris Duke was in Afghanistan fighting for his country when he met the three attractive locals. Sasha, Target, and Rufus were three stray dogs who lived there. These pets, on the other hand, proved to be more than simply nice. They turned out to be lifesavers.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS via YouTube Video


One night, a suicide bomber tried entering Sergeant Duke’s barracks. Sasha, Target, and Rufus started barking loudly and attacked the intruder before he could carry out his plan. The bomber blew himself up which left the three dogs injured but they had saved 50 soldiers from death. Sasha was wounded and had to be put down but Target and Rufus were nursed back to health.

When Duke returned home, he couldn’t stop thinking about the dogs that saved his life. He wrote a letter to a veteran’s assistance group called ‘Hope For The Warriors’ in which he requested their help in bringing the dogs to the USA to live.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS via YouTube Video


The organization, moved by this special request, helped raise over $21,000 and managed to bring Rufus and Target to America and reunite them with Duke. Their reunion is one that is sure to tug at your heartstrings!

To watch this beautiful reunion between the soldier and his saviors check out the video below.

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