Dog Melts Million Hearts As She Weeps When Hearing Newborn Baby Cries For The First Time

A Boxer dog called Bella has always been the darling of her family. So, when her mother was pregnant with Malina, her humane sibling, the mother was completely worried about how the dog would react to the presence of Malina. Actually, the mother knew that being jealous wasn’t a state of Bella.

The video below shows us the reaction of Bella when she hears the cries of her baby sibling for the first time. When Malina is just out of the hospital, she has been placed in a walled-up crib for protection to be out of Bella’s vision.

You can see in the video below that Bella paces around and wonders trying to help Malina after hearing her cries for the first time. Bella starts crying too as she has no other option. She tries her best to alert Malina’s parents by letting out some whimpers.

The mother was completely heartbroken after seeing the motherly gesture of Bella toward Malina. She also said that her dog has always slept in her daughter’s room ever since. How adorable! Watch the video below.

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