Justice Has Been Served To The Dog Who Has Been Severely Beaten and Thrown Into River

The woman, who assaulted a dog by beating him and throwing him into the river, was accused of torturing the pup.

The police arrived to stop the woman who abused her dog many times by throwing him back to the water whenever he came back to her! His legs were broken, but he continued to crawl out of the water!

Amber Sunde, the woman, tried to get rid of the poor dog despite his attempts to get back to her!

The authorities moved Lux, the dog, to the Detroit Pit Crew Rescue Team after rescuing him. After being examined, they found that the dog was continuously abused in his life!

The dog had 2 broken legs and a cracked head due to the abuse!

The case was sent to the court, and it had been delayed many times. But finally, Amber Sunde was banned from having animals again and was sentenced to jail on 23/6/2021.

Many dog lovers around the world were very happy to know that the abuser was sent to jail after 6 months of the incident.

The best thing for Lux was that he was adopted after being fully recovered! And guess what? The officer who saved him was the adopter!

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