Dog Rescued Two Days After Disappearing Into a 14-Foot Sinkhole

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Skye the golden retriever is back on top of the world, after police and firefighters rescued her following two days at the bottom of a 14-foot-deep hidden sinkhole.

Megan Holmes let Skye off her leash during a routine walk at the Penn State University arboretum February 15, but the dog never returned. A search that Monday night turned up nothing.

On Tuesday, Megan’s husband, Ron, found an 18-inch wide sinkhole. He looked into it, but only heard rushing water. He was afraid Skye had fallen in and drowned. But when he checked the same hole the following morning, he heard no water, only Skye’s excited barking.

Campus police rushed to shore up the narrowing opening to the hole while firefighters widened it enough for one of their crew to be lowered into the pit and rescue Skye.


Skye has gotten a clean bill of health from the vet and the university has promised to fill in the hole, but the Holmes family doesn’t plan to be letting Skye off her leash in the future.

(WATCH the video below from WTAE News) — Photos: Alpha Fire Company, Facebook



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