Police Officer Adopts A Teeny-Tiny Puppy After Rescuing Him From The Street

Every police officer has a duty and responsibility to serve and protect the community… especially the smallest and most vulnerable members.

On October 5, 2019, officers Mercado and Tavera, of the Los Angeles Police Department (Hollywood Division), were doing their regular street patrol when they noticed something small and incredibly cute following them.

It was a teeny-tiny chocolate puppy that was wandering the streets of Los Angeles, hoping someone would save him.

As soon as this little puppy spotted the two officers, he started following them and begging to be saved.

policeman with tiny dog
Source: facebook.com

They decided to name the little puppy Hobart, after Hobart Blvd. where he was found.

He was far too young and vulnerable to stay on the streets all by himself, so the officers decided to take him with them back to the police station.

The puppy seemed to be in love with officer Mercado and couldn’t stop following him around. It was adorable to see.

The LAPD Hollywood Division posted an adorable video of little Hobart and officer Mercado on their social media, with the caption, “Hobart won’t leave Officer Mercado’s side!! ???? #HollywoodHobart”.



In the car ride back to the station, the little puppy happily settled in officer Tavera’s lap and stared with love and adoration at his rescuers.

tiny dog in a car
Source: facebook.com

Little Hobart was so grateful to be saved.

Hobart was conferred at the police station with the honorary rank of K-9. Everyone was simply immediately in love with this little nugget.

police officers with adorable tiny dog
Source: twitter.com

But, they knew that the police station was not the right home for this sensitive pup. He needed a proper home and care.

So, they decided to contact a local rescue group called Ghetto Rescue FFoundation (GRFF), which welcomed little Hobart.

He received proper veterinary care and vaccinations, and was supposed to be put up for adoption.

However, the video of little Hobart lovingly following officer Mercado had gone viral in the meantime, and everyone was suggesting that it should be Mercado to adopt the little guy.

What no one knew at the time was that as soon as officer Alejandro Mercado sent his wife, Quincy Hutchison, the picture of Hobart, she immediately fell in love and requested to adopt the pup.

So, a couple of days later, the LAPD Hollywood Division posted a much-awaited Hobart update.

The update said, “A lot of you have been asking what Hobart is up to these days… you will be happy to know Officer Mercado has adopted him, and he is now living the good life with Mercado and his family!”

smiling man with tiny dog
Source: twitter.com

Everyone was delighted with the outcome of this rescue situation. One person commented, “These two are definitely meant to be together! Congrats on your new home, Hobart!”

A couple of months later, Ghetto Rescue FFoundation posted an update on Hobart that said, “He has settled in beautifully and is a total joy to our entire family.”

The house is full of rescue dogs, along with a police K-9 dog, so little Hobart was definitely at the right place.

Little Hobart definitely grew into his ears, and he is looking as adorable as ever.

tiny dog with big ears
Source: facebook.com

“Update on Hobart (GRFF name Fidzgit), he’s the most loving and lively puppy. He loves all of his puppy cousins, and will chew on his toys for hours. He’s still learning potty training, and loves the outdoors/play time in the grass!”

I have no doubt that Hobart is having the time of his life with Mercado and his family. It really was meant to be.

GRFF posted, “Looks like he hit the jackpot that day when he was “arrested” for loitering and being too cute,” and we couldn’t agree more.

You can follow the adventures of little Hobart at the Mercado household on his official Instagram profile, @lapd_hobart.

happy man with dog on the couch
Source: facebook.com


Other Story:

Tiny Puppy Found Lying Unconsciously In Ditch After Being Abandoned By His Owner

A woman called rescuers for help after seeing a man torturing a puppy in ditch, that was full of water. The woman even took them to the ditch but there was no pup! They also started looking around the ditch, but to no avail.

However, they then knew that the running creek had washed the puppy away. So, they doubled their efforts and were finally able to find him. He was losing his consciousness, so, the rescuers directly started treating him after getting him out of the ditch.

Thankfully, the dog got his consciousness back, and got some water from a syringe. Then, the rescuers took the little dog to the veterinary clinic to treat him. He is now unrecognizable after getting his complete health back.



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News :

Man Picks Up Tiny Puppy Who Was Whining In Pain On The Road And Takes Him Home

Many people love their pets. But some families make an unethical decision by discarding them like trash, either placing them on the side of the street or delivering them to shelters. A villager from North Africa was passing by a dark empty street at night when he heard heart-wrenching weeping sounds coming from the roadside. The man followed the cries and found a tiny puppy squirming and moaning in pain at the side of the road.

Helping a puppy off the side of the road, the man noticed there were no mama or littermates nearby. The puppy crouched by his stomach and whimpered, seemingly scared from the collapse of its tiny family.





Image/Story Source Credit:kitten&puppy are a life/YouTube Video Story





The lonely puppy would not survive another night on the streets and so, after a wholesome meal and some TLC, the man convinced the puppy to trust him and took him home to give him what he needed most: nursing and medical care.





Image/Story Source Credit:kitten&puppy are a life/YouTube Video Story






The puppy was so scared and confused in the new place and still whining because he was hurting. The man placed the puppy on a warm blanket but had no idea how to console him until he figured out what was causing him pain.






Image/Story Source Credit:kitten&puppy are a life/YouTube Video Story






The man’s two pets, an adorable orange cat and a spunky black dog sprinted over to look after the distressed rescue puppy. They licked and comforted the sobbing puppy and assured him that he will get all the help he needs. After a while, the puppy drifted off to sleep with his 2 new furry friends snuggling by his side like protective siblings. That’s such a sweet gesture! This story illustrates how close animal friendships can be.


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A Kitten And A Tiny Puppy Arrive At The Refuge On The An identical Day About to Pass The Rainbow


Quite kitten and a tiny puppy’s existence collided when they arrived at the equivalent refuge at the equivalent day, leading to one of the most sudden finish end result. One of the crucial difficult issue to observe, even supposing, used to be what befell afterwards.



They crossed paths while every had been in agony. His tale describes an experience that has a long lasting affect on what it way to meet any individual new for your existence and how it unanticipatedly appears to be a remedy for the terrible anguish of feeling by myself on this planet.

The two animals arrived at the Shenandoah Valley Animal Suppliers Center in Virginia, USA, at the equivalent day, on the other hand for quite a lot of reasons.

Chicky, the kitten, have been found out at the highway abandoned, on the other hand he used to be in just right smartly being.

The dog, on the other hand, did not fare as correctly. The unlucky more youthful child had previously been hospitalized owing to a person who used to be obviously astonished and wailing with grief for this tiny creature he spotted in such an horrible state.

“He used to be death and sought after lend a hand correct now,” mentioned Huffman, the refuge’s director.


The deficient specific individual used to be subconscious, and his blood glucose and body temperature had been too low to test. Even after the initial remedy, he remained unresponsive, spending quite a lot of hours in conjunction with his eyes closed and not able to even carry his head.

A refuge volunteer took the puppy space to observe him in one day, and although he started responding, he moreover taken care of him the next night time time.

“He will have been whining forever to the aim where he required fastened attention, on the other hand he simply rested peacefully on any individual’s lap; it used to be a little bit difficult to deal with with all of the problems at a complete refuge.”

Chicky, who gave the impression to be in just right smartly being, began to weep, expressing her nice agony at being by myself in her surroundings. Not anything perceived to paintings for the employees until they made up our minds to put they all jointly to peer what would happen.

“It used to be implausible; it is likely one of the the most important beautiful problems I have ever noticed.” The narrator cries, “A marriage made in heaven!” Huffman elaborated. “They straight away began stroking and talking to every different.” They have got been jointly ever since; they are inseparable!

The only issue each and every of them want to soothe their fear and pain about being abandoned used to be to understand they have got been safe and secure with any individual who used to be always at their side.

The way in which during which this kitten and puppy met intended something specific, as one assisted the other in his recovery, and what the refuge staff did to soothe them culminated in a small gesture that intended somewhat so much.

They didn’t want to be concerned about one thing anymore, and their love used to be enough to handle them comfy. They are at this time being cared for in a foster space via veterinarian Leti Hansen. They are close friends and glance gorgeous jointly!

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