Dog Sees Statue That Looks Just Like Him And It Completely “Freaks Him Out”

Dogs might be the most lovable and loyal furry friends, but their intelligence should never be underestimated! In this funny video, Duke the yellow Labrador was overjoyed when he thought his mom had brought home a new playmate. However, once he saw through its façade and learned of its true intentions, his enthusiasm quickly dissipated! ????

Mom surprised Duke with his own life-sized companion when she unveiled the statue of a pup that looked just like him. With enthusiasm, he bounded over to meet his new “sibling”, yet was met with shock as soon as he got close enough to sniff it! His eyes widened in horror at this unexpected turn of events.

Source (Screenshot) credit: BViral via YouTube


Upon first seeing the motionless creature that lay in front of him, Duke quickly realized it was not a real pup. As he stepped closer to examine its eerily still presence, an overwhelming sense of dread slowly crept over him and caused his sanity to slip away. His panic boiled up within until he eventually turned back towards the door in pure terror!

Source (Screenshot) credit: BViral via YouTube


Duke was feeling exceedingly perplexed as he attempted to bark the intruder away while cowering behind the door. His mother’s amusement at Duke’s befuddled expression only added to his humiliation, and she repeatedly tried to comfort him by saying it would all be alright. The poor pup felt downright insulted when Mom jokingly ordered him to “say hi” to their guest!

Source (Screenshot) credit: BViral via YouTube


This pooch is so wary that it seems he’ll never accept a man-made, frozen figurine in his space – let alone treat this figure as if it were an ally. The uncanny similarity between the two immediately places the statute at odds with him and deemed an ‘invader’ – something which will certainly not be tolerated! Crank up your volume and get ready to laugh out loud! ????

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