Man Gets More Than He Bargained For When He Examined The ‘Lifeless’ Body Of A Dog

JP and Pat, rescuers, had heard about a homeless dog named Norah. For years she’d lived near a ditch where runoff went and often scavenged for food in garbage cans. She never seemed to care much about interacting with humans around her though; she was skittish and would never let JP or Pat come close to her.


Image/Story Source Credit: TakeMeHomePetRescue via YouTube Video



The rescuers went to great lengths for Norah, but the girl stayed just out of reach. One day, they found her lying on the ground and rushed over to her. But as soon as they got close, Norah panicked and ran away. Norah was soon found to be lacking in weight. It wasn’t long before they learned that Norah had given birth.


They set out to look for Norah’s prayer house, where she often went. They discovered 9 newborn pups sleeping among the bushes, precisely as they had hoped!


Image/Story Source Credit: TakeMeHomePetRescue via YouTube Video


After the rescuers got hold of Norah and her puppies, they took them to the shelter where all of them received medical attention. Once Norah felt safe, she lost her shyness rapidly and became a friendly dog!


Image/Story Source Credit: TakeMeHomePetRescue via YouTube Video


Norah is busy raising her puppies now, but she needs to be treated for Ehrlichia, heartworm, and heart murmur. The doggie family is currently being cared for by an experienced foster mom.


We hope Norah gets healthy soon, and she and her puppies get adopted into lovely homes.


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