Dramatic Rescue: Couple and Their Dogs Saved from Rooftop Amidst Terrifying Flash Floods. oo

As I noticed this video of a pair and their dogs being rescued by a helicopter throughout a flash flood, my pulse was racing!

On September 10, 2015, catastrophic flash flooding struck the Japanese metropolis of Joso, which is positioned north of Tokyo. 100 or so individuals have been left trapped after the roaring waters unexpectedly rushed throughout the town after 90,000 residents have been evacuated.

Rescue groups in helicopters have been despatched in, and a pair was seen clinging desperately to their Shiba Inus on the roof of a home.

The couple and their cherished dogs are evacuated to security within the dramatic video under. The floodwaters have destroyed total properties after the Kinugawa River overflowed its banks. Within the space, extra rain fell in in the future than it did in all the month!

I am so grateful that this household was in a position to attain security and obtain immediate help! Speak about this heroic rescue together with your family members.

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