Woman drives four hours to a shelter to save a dog ends up with three

There are just some people who can’t help their kindness.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

Shelly Blount was perusing her social media feed when she saw an alarming post. She saw a post about a dog that was about to be put down.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

Being a passionate dog-lover, she immediately called the shelter to try and do something about the situation. Fortunately, the dog in question was adopted just in time. She may not have the dog with her, but the entire experience left a profound mark on her.

She asked the shelter if there were other dogs scheduled to be put down.

She wanted to save a life even if that was the only thing she could do. So she drove four hours from Virginia to North Carolina to meet Caleb.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

When she arrived, she learned more about the other dogs as well. Unfortunately, the list won’t end with just Caleb.

Right under Caleb’s name on the list were Charisma and Bella.

There are times when we should walk away and think about how to better approach a situation. But there are also times we just need to decide and then work out the solution along the way. It was one of those moments.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

“I asked the limit on how many you could adopt,” Blount told The Dodo. “They said there wasn’t one.”

Blount and her friend drove to Virginia planning to get one dog.

On their way back home, there were five passengers in total. They got Bella and Charisma, together with Caleb.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

Somehow, in some way, the dogs may have felt what Blount had done for them. Blount said that Caleb was just so happy that he kept giving her kisses.

The other two dogs were amazingly good keeps as well.

Blount shared with The Dodo that Charisma just hugged and slept on her the entire car ride. Meanwhile, Bella was calm, gentle, and still. She sat on the lap of Blount’s friend and was just content seeing posts and trees zip by.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

Blount never planned to get a dog but somehow she ended up with three. Fortunately, her friends were more than willing to help out.

Charisma stayed with Blount.

Caleb went to one of her friends. Caleb now has a Labrador for his best friend. Bella went to her boyfriend. When asked about how Bella was doing, Blount just said they’re inseparable.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

As for Charisma, she would have to stay with Blount for a long while. And while she saved three that day, she would soon find out there were more.

Charisma turned out to be pregnant.

It takes one action to save a life, and sometimes we get to see it on that scale alone. But when you take into account what those lives result to, their impact on others and the other lives it give birth to, you’ll find the scale of significance is immeasurable.

Source: Facebook – Sherry Blount Price

You can visit Blount’s social media accounts to check on the dogs and her announcements for other dogs that need saving.

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