Forest Guard From India Rescues Baby Elephant Who Fell In A Ditch

A 28-year-old forest guard from India called Palanichamy Sarathkumar saved a baby elephant weighing 220lb (100kg) by carrying it out of a ditch, which made him a real hero for people who love animals.

The baby elephant, that missed its mama after falling to the ditch, finally reunited with her.

The forest guard had an interview and he said that all the people in the village asked him how was he able to life an elephant! He also said that it was a moment of spur!

Palanichamy was also helped by his friends, who restrained the calf a little bit while he was about to lose his balance.

Palanichamy also said that he went to the scene after receiving a call from people saying that the road near the Vanabhadra Kaliamman temple in Mettupalayam was blocked by a female elephant. So, he directly went to check the situation.

After helping the elephant go back to the jungle with help of his colleagues, who used firecrackers, they also searched the area and found the stuck baby elephant.

That’s when he realized that the female elephant was not good as her baby got lost. At first, Palanichamy and other 3 friends carried the baby elephant, but when they knew that the mama could be dangerous, he decided to take it on his shoulders.

He was able to carry the elephant for about fifty meters as he reached a water hole. He then put it down in hopes that its mama would find it.

Thankfully, the mama found the baby elephant after some hours! What a great effort by the forest guard who saved the baby elephant from certain death!

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