Columbia woman celebrates 106th birthday as family serves 106 chicken breasts, fish entrees


Lecie Worthy spent her 106th birthday with family during a special celebration.

Columbia Woman Celebrates 106th Birthday with a Feast for the Ages

Lecie Worthy, a beloved resident of Columbia, South Carolina, turned 106 years young, and her family threw a celebration as grand as her life. The air buzzed with excitement as loved ones gathered, eager to mark this extraordinary milestone.

The centerpiece of the event wasn’t just one cake, but a feast fit for a queen – or, in this case, a remarkable woman who had witnessed over a century of history. To commemorate Lecie’s 106 years, her family prepared a symbolic 106 chicken breasts and 106 fish entrees.

The aroma of roasting chicken and sauteed fish filled the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of family. It wasn’t just about the food, though. The number 106 became a theme throughout the celebration. Balloons in shades of gold (for wisdom) and silver (for longevity) adorned the room, each one representing a year of Lecie’s life.

As the evening unfolded, stories were shared, memories were relived, and laughter filled the room. Lecie, the guest of honor, sat at the head of the table, her eyes twinkling with joy as she basked in the love and appreciation of her family.

The celebration wasn’t just about commemorating Lecie’s age, but also about the life she lived and the legacy she built. It was a testament to the strength, resilience, and love that had carried her through 106 remarkable years.

Later, as the last slice of cake was devoured and the goodbyes were exchanged, one thing remained clear: Lecie Worthy’s 106th birthday wasn’t just a party; it was a celebration of a life well-lived, a life filled with love, laughter, and the enduring spirit of a woman who had seen it all.

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