Furry Feature: A Golden Birthday Bash Filled with 200 Tennis Balls and a Splashin’ Pool Party

Meet Augie, the golden retriever that has captured the hearts of many on the internet. Her owners claim that she is the oldest living dog of her breed.

Although she was adopted in 2014, Augie recently went viral after a group of golden retriever enthusiasts wished her a happy birthday on Facebook.

According to owner Steve Hetterscheidt, Augie is a sweet girl who loves to eat blueberries. These days, she spends most of her time laying around and being alert to her surroundings. Steve and his wife Jen first fostered Augie when she was already 14 years old.

Back then, Jen was the intake director at the Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Nevada. Augie was originally adopted at 7 years old through a Craigslist ad in Sioux City, Iowa. Although her previous owner had her birth certificate, there was no record of her pedigree or lineage.

PHOTO: August, also known as Augie, turned 20 on April 24, 2020, and lives with her family in Oakland, Tennessee. She was adopted back in 2014, though garnered viral attention in 2020 after a Golden Retriever interest group wished her a

Meet Augie, a beloved member of the Hetterscheidt family from Oakland, Tennessee. This Golden Retriever turned 20 years old on April 24, 2020, and has been with the family since her adoption in 2014. Recently, an interest group for Golden Retrievers wished Augie a “Happy Birthday” on Facebook, which garnered viral attention for the pup.

The Hetterscheidts believe that Augie could potentially be the oldest living Golden Retriever in the world based on a public list of the oldest living dogs. According to this list, Augie would be number 19, with no other Golden Retrievers listed as older.

While they do not have official documentation, the Hetterscheidts consider this a “preponderance of evidence.” It is important to note that Guinness World Records does not monitor separate categories for different dog breeds.

PHOTO: Steve and Jen Hetterscheidt own four Golden Retrievers: Augie, 20 years old, Belle, 7, Sherman, 10, who was born at Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Nevada and Bruce, 10, whose previous owner, a friend, left the pup to the couple in their will.

Steve and Jen Hetterscheidt are the proud owners of four furry friends, including their beloved golden retriever, August, fondly known as Augie.

Recently, Augie celebrated her milestone 20th birthday on April 24, 2020, in the company of her loving family in Oakland, Tennessee. Along with Augie, the Hetterscheidts share their home with three other golden retrievers – Belle, a certified therapy dog who brightens the day of children at St.

Jude’s Hospital, Sherman, born at Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Nevada, and Bruce, adopted from a friend’s will. Currently, the world’s oldest dog is Jake, a 21-year-old rat terrier. To mark Augie’s special occasion, she was treated to a delicious carrot cake made especially for dogs.

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