Senior Dog Grabs His Leash Every Day To Go See His Favorite Person

For the past 8-years, Cheddar the Golden Retriever lived a typical dog existence. He was loved and pampered by a family that adored him deeply. But when one of his owners was diagnosed with cancer, everything changed.

Cheddar was taken in by the family after his owner became unable to care for him. But because he had never been away from home, it would not take long for him to find a new home.


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video



When Cheddar moved into his new house, he picked up on something while walking around the neighborhood. As the pair greeted their elderly neighbor, Cheddar took to her straight away. Now Jean and the Golden Retriever are BFFs, and they’re practically inseparable!


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video



Cheddar will grab his leash and start walking to let his owners know that he wants to go for a walk and meet Jean. If they go in a different direction, Cheddar will pull on the leash toward Jean’s house! Cheddar and Jean seem to have an unspoken connection. Love does not need any explanation. ????


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