German Shepherd, Kai, Is Absolutely Sure That He’s A Bird, Here’s Why

Who says dogs can’t play pretend?

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Kai… probably the world’s first German Shepherd who thinks that he’s nothing else but a bird!

That’s right!

Even though he’s a sturdy German boi, Kai likes to jump on the birdbath on hot summer days and just casually drink water from it.

Who knows, maybe he was a bird in his past life.


There’s Something About That Birdbath

german shepherd standing on a birdbath
Source: RON Project

Since he was a little boy, Kai has always found the birdbath in his family’s yard interesting. At first, he was just about sipping the water from it while standing on his hind legs, but after extensive observation of birds using it – he got the greatest idea ever!

Why can’t I simply be a bird is probably a thought that popped into his mind before he went all bird style!


german shepherd enjoying himself in a birdbath
Source: RON Project

He literally jumped into it and got a drink, but after a few short moments, he just casually laid down in it, got comfortable, and stayed like that for around ten minutes.


Yes, Kai’s an extremely intelligent doggo, but he has his own little quirks that Ashley and the rest of the family just love!


Kai Has Other Hobbies, Too

As the time went by, Kai stopped using the birdbath as… you guessed it, he became too big for it! He’s not a six-month-old German Shepherd doggo anymore – he’s now basically a giant!

But, don’t worry – he found other hobbies and doesn’t miss the cooling spot even one bit!

He’s very much into hiking and spending time with his family in nature.


german shepherd hiking
Source: Ashley Shell

Kai loves accompanying his hoomans everywhere they go, but it seems that there’s something special about the mountain air and all those endless green fields.

Other than that, he helps his mom foster other doggos that come into their home. Ashley has been a foster for quite some time, and Kai’s always there around the clock to help! After all – he’s a German Shepherd, and they are just impeccable workers!

I mean… sure, he’s still into bathing and using unusual spots to cool off during hot summer days, but only now, he uses a pool and hangs out with his duckling buddies!


A Beautiful Boi Taking Care Of His Family

german shepherd posing for a photo with his baby sister
Source: Ashley Shell

Still, at the end of the day, it seems that Kai’s most favorite thing is making sure he’s big, and that the tiny hoomans are okay.

He now has a baby sister, River, and he’s all about protecting her and making sure she doesn’t get hurt. Whenever he’s around her, his eyes get this amazing spark that he just can’t hide.

He can run, play, and hang out with other doggo friends, but when the sun sets, he knows where he belongs – in the loving arms of his beautiful family!



Next Post:

Poor Rescue Dog Gives His Rescuers The Biggest Hug Ever



Mr. Snufflufugus is a five-year-old male that was recently abandoned and left on the streets in Texas to fend for himself.

He was frightened and ran around the city of Copperas Cove, Texas, in hopes that someone would find him and help him.

The local animal control was contacted, and thankfully, the personnel was able to locate the poor dog and bring him to the Copperas Cove Animal Control shelter.

This adorable pup was so thankful for being rescued that he immediately hugged his new best friends, and everyone’s heart at the animal control shelter simply melted.

The staff member who was there noticed this touching moment and snapped a picture right away.

dog and woman hugging each other
Source: Facebook

This picture quickly became viral, with people sharing it online and advocating for Mr. Snufflufugus to be adopted.

“Victoria and I were in the play area with Mr. Snufflufugus when he decided he needed a hug,” the animal control supervisor, Tamara Hall, told The Dodo.

They found out pretty soon that Mr. Snufflufugus was such a snuggle bug and enjoyed being hugged. Everyone at the shelter took an instant liking to this precious boy.

“If you are sitting on the floor or ground, he is sure to seek your attention by climbing into your lap or snuggling up next to you. He uses his irresistible sweet eyes while looking up for attention,” Hall also said.

woman cuddling dog in the backyard
Source: Facebook

Besides giving the best hugs, Mr. Snufflufugus is very friendly and enjoys resting.

Victoria wrote on her Facebook, “He would rather sit on the couch and be a potato, a good potato who gets many head scratches and gets to sit on your chest and snore, and is told quite often what a good boy he is.” 

dog cuddling with a woman outdoors
Source: Facebook

After the Copperas Cove Police Department posted the adorable photo of Mr. Snufflufugus, he became quite famous, and the animal control shelter received numerous applications for this good boi.

They wrote on their Facebook profile, “Thank you ALL for expressing interest in Mr. Snufflufugus and for sharing our post! We recently discovered that he needs to be in a single pet home, with no small children. While he is exceptionally affectionate, this could create a problem in a home where he becomes possessive of the adult owner.”  

The small shelter unfortunately did not have enough assets to process all this, so Mr. Snufflufugus was transported to Pit Squad Rescue in Minnesota. Pit Squad will be able to interview all potential adopters and find the best home for this lovely dog.

He has to be treated for heartworm, which sadly comes with a hefty vet bill, but they are happy to give this sweet boy a second chance.

“This boy has been so grateful to everyone he comes in contact with & so happy to be safe.  & you can guess… loves to snuggle & hugs. Welcome to Pit Squad Rescue MN Mr. Snufs! We cannot wait to find you your furever home ????”

Mr. Snufflufugus seems to be in love with his foster family, just as they are with him.

woman and dog hugging each other in the garden
Source: Facebook

You are the goodest dog ever, Mr. Snufflufugus, and we at PupVine sincerely hope you find the best furever family that will love you and give you hugs every day because you deserve it.



News : 

Unyielding Determination: Tenacious Dog Overcomes Tar Trapped, Barks for Urgent Help


An abandoned dog in Suwałki, Poland, was looking for a warm place to rest when he came upon freshly dumped tar. Not knowing that the sticky tar would trap him, the tired dog laid down. Once he realized he needed help, he started to bark.


The little dog barked until help arrived, using all his strength. The nearby workers responded to his barks by coming to see what was wrong. They discovered him helpless and trapped in the tar. They quickly got in touch with Niczyje Animal Foundation’s animal rescuer Joanna Godlewska.


As she approached the scene, she became emotionally invested in freeing the trapped dog. Thank goodness the dog managed to free his nose from the tar and start barking for help. The local police and fire departments helped them carefully remove the tar from the dog’s fur. The rescuers used oil to counteract the sticky tar and carefully extracted his body.

After much effort, rescuers managed to free the dog from the tar. His exhaustion was diagnosed and treated at the veterinary clinic where he was brought. The doctors found and removed nearly a hundred ticks from his body.



A warm meal and a comfortable bed were offered to him after he had been bathed several times to remove the tar from his paws and fur. He was relieved to be free, though for how long nobody knows. After receiving treatment for his minor head wounds, the tough dog began to regain strength.


It was Farcik, but his rescuers also called him “Luck,” because he was so lucky to have been saved. Godlewska is beginning to walk alongside him, and she is learning that his life up to this point has been challenging. He is receiving all the care and affection he could possibly need. “Farcik is taking a break. ‘He regains his strength and, more importantly, his faith in man,’ read a post on the Niczyje Animal Foundation’s website.


When he is healthy again, he will be made available for adoption. He is currently staying with a rescue organization volunteer during the day and with a veterinarian at night. Because he is surrounded by people who love him, he will never have to worry about where he will sleep or if he will get anything to eat. Consider also the thousands of people in every corner of the globe who are rooting for his speedy recovery and a permanent, loving home.


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