Girl Takes Her Dying Dog On One Last Car Ride, Dog’s Face Makes Family Tear Up

At the Kramer household, Libera was a puppy when she first came. She soon developed a special bond with April, an 8-year-old daughter.

Over the years, Libra also became best friends with her adorable kitten sibling, Maxwell.

As the years passed, April grew up and Libra became a trustworthy friend. However, after being by her sister’s side for 15 years, Libra’s health began to fail. After several vet visits, it was clear Libra wasn’t going to live very long because of the cancerous pulmonary tumors. She was in a lot of pain and wasn’t likely to live much longer.

For the Kramers, Libra had been nothing but a good girl, and they didn’t want her to suffer for long. As the ailing dog’s bladder failed rapidly and caused her unbearable agony, the family decided to face the inevitable. However, there was one last thing that April wanted to do for Libra to thank her for her unconditional and everlasting love.

April rolled down the window to let Libra cherish her favorite experience on her last car ride.


During the next 30 minutes, the sickly dog closed her eyes and cherished the passing scenery as she felt the breeze.

A grieving April has shared a picture of Libra’s last car ride as a way to remember her best childhood friend, Libra. Her spirit has crossed the rainbow bridge now, and she is far from pain and fear.

Watch the video below to see how Libra’s fulfilling life culminated in one final car ride that is both beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.


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