Officer Dumps 10 Orphaned Ducklings Into A Pond, Then They Immediately Get A New Mom

When Diane Desrosiers, an officer in the Animal Control was driving in Southgate, Michigan she found ten ducklings was wandering onto a roadway and it was obvious that they lost their mom.

Desrosiers put them into a pet carrier and decided to take them to a place where Stella, a wild duck had newly delivered nine ducklings of her own in one of the nearby South Winds Golf Club’s ponds.

When the ducklings were dumped into the pond, it was such an invaluable moment that Chris Grandy, a pro golfer have witnessed when she was filming that moment. Stella swam over the ducklings, as soon as they hit the water, and gathered them up as well as adopted them on the spot with her family.

As if she understood they were without a mom. Now, the ten ducklings are with a new mother and back to a normal life. It was such an amazing motherly thing. Watch the video below.

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