Golden Retriever Basically Treats Vet’s Office As If It’s The ‘Playground’

The experience of visiting the veterinarian, whether for a dog or for another animal, is never one to look forward to. Nobody wants to be poked and prodded while waiting for potentially devastating news, but it must be done for our own health’s sake. While most dogs try to avoid going to the doctor’s office when taken there, there is one particular canine that positively adores it.

Image/Story Source:
YouTube Rumble


This gleeful Golden Retriever loves to play in the veterinarian’s office, and it’s amusing to watch! Every time she bursts through the door with her leash in her mouth, it says everything. She’ll bust through the door with her leash in her mouth ready to welcome everyone inside!


Image/Story Source: YouTube Rumble


The Golden Retriever performs laps throughout the office building, just as any other dog would in a dog park. She’s genuinely pleased to be there, and nothing will change that! If only it were this simple to get my dog to the doctor.

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