He Found The Pacifier, And Mom Tries To “Take It” From Him

Our dogs are like family to us. We love them as if they’re our actual children. Many dog parents enjoy spoiling their pooches with toys, clothes, and plenty of cuddles.

Some even use doggy strollers! But this dog, he’s taking the ‘baby thing‘ a step further! And we can’t get enough of it! ????

Fluffy, cuddly Max has discovered a binky and once he places it in his mouth, he realizes it’s pretty great. (video) He looks content with it; his expression is heartwarming.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: DailyPicksandFlicks via YouTube Video


But Max’s mother isn’t having it. She commands him to surrender his newfound treasure. She throws herself at him, begging and pleading with him.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: DailyPicksandFlicks via YouTube Video


Sweet Max, on the other hand, does not want to give up his toy! He is, however, quite mild and uses his big paw to gently push his mother away.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: DailyPicksandFlicks via YouTube Video


She tries again to pull the binky out of his mouth but he’s set on keeping it. His mom, ‘patient’ as ever, continues attempting to take away the binky but Max has made up his mind – there’s no changing it! If you’re feeling cranky and need a pick-me-up, this is the perfect video for you to watch!


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