Golden Retriever Pup Sees That His Siblings Make It Onto The Bus Every Morning

The Nixon family welcomed Bentley the Golden Retriever into their home when he was only a puppy. From the moment he arrived, it was clear that he would fit right in with the five children. But it was the two youngest girls who were particularly special to him.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Mr. Mac Bro via YouTube Video and The Dodo

It was confusing for Bentley when the school bus started taking his human siblings away in the mornings. He would be left home alone until they all returned later in the day. This big yellow thing was definitely to blame, and he had to figure it out! So he started sitting out in the driveway to monitor the situation.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Mr. Mac Bro via YouTube Video and The Dodo


Bentley now closely monitors the morning routine to make sure the kids safely board the bus. The bus driver has even gotten to know Bentley and calls him by name over the bus speaker! ????

Click the video below to watch Bentley’s actions – enjoy!

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