He Walked Home From An Overnight Job, And A ‘Shriek’ Came From Dingy Plastic Bag

It’s never been easy for a puppy to survive on their own. This pup found a wonderful location to seek refuge from the scorching sun and the hostile world as he wriggled himself into his plastic bag. Unfortunately, wherever there is suffering and terror, there are usually people ready to assist those in need.


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Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


The heroes from Animal Aid arrived on the scene after a caring passerby called them. The man who phoned was on his way home from work when he heard the dog cry.

One rescuer brought some dog biscuits and put them by the puppy. When he tried to touch him through the bag, the puppy screamed. To see something so small and helpless in this much pain was heart-wrenching.


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


Thankfully, hunger got the best of him and the puppy emerged. He was riddled with mange causing his fur to fall out. He also had an injured hind leg.


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


The puppy was picked up, carefully, and taken to the Animal Aid sanctuary. The medical team didn’t hesitate. He was given pain medication so the poor baby didn’t have to suffer any longer.


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


The vet realized that his pain mostly stemmed from a deep wound on his hip. They irrigated the wound then put numbing antibiotic salve on it. That would make him feel so much better and treat any infection. He already felt so much better!


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


The next step was to give the puppy a medicated bath for his mange. This would be his new ritual. This type of mange can be treated; it just has to be treated diligently or it won’t resolve. Animal Aid volunteers happily give medicated baths to all their animals with mange and those baths work miracles.


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


After six weeks of medical care, baths, and lots of TLC, the puppy– now named Jumper– made a miraculous recovery.


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


How handsome! Jumper is full of spunk and energy. All of his new human friends adore him. He loves his new home. There are tons of dogs to play with and lots of yummy food to eat. He will go to a forever home as soon as he’s medically cleared. The good news is: lots of adopters are interested in this little boy. Isn’t that great?


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited


Remember: Animal Aid operates strictly on donations. It’s because wonderful animal lovers like you, who refuse to let animals suffer, make all they do possible. Please, continue to pass along their stories so more people donate. Dogs like Jumper need all the help they can get in order to survive.


Image Credit Source: YouTube Video/ Animal Aid Unlimited

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