Fire Department Attempts To Beat The Clock Before Stranded Dog Freezes To Death

North Dakota’s West Fargo Fire Department is primarily known for saving people from burning buildings, but firefighters also go on other types of rescue missions. Recently, a call came into the Cass County Sheriff’s Office about a stranded dog. Without hesitation, the team sprang into action!

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Cass County First Responder via YouTube Video / WDRB TV

The person who called in for help happened to be near the dog by chance and saw it. If that hadn’t been the case, any number of unfortunate events could have unfolded. On a cold morning, we received a call from someone claiming that a chocolate Labrador Retriever was stranded on ice in a frigid river.

The dog somehow escaped from her owner’s property and managed to get herself caught on the floating ice with no way to get to dry land. The poor pup was cold, and scared, and had no one to save her until the team of heroes arrived.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Cass County First Responder via YouTube Video / WDRB TV

As the rescuer was lowered into the cold river, poor Lola stood frozen in place on the ice. She was fearful but perhaps sensed the cavalry had arrived. Once the rescuer who was tethered to a rope hurled himself onto the ice, he had to gain the dog’s trust.

Finally, the kind soul who swam out to save the dog was able to securely grasp her in his arms as he was pulled back to shore and dry land.

Click the video below to watch the heart-pounding rescue mission with a very happy ending!


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