Husky Received ‘Bad News’ At The Veterinarian And Decided To Request Extra Attention

In this video, Zeus the Husky is throwing a tantrum because he received some discouraging news from the vet. However, most of the time Zeus throws exaggerated diva-level temper tantrums for vaguely “superficial” reasons. In this case though, poor Zeus is actually having a hard time processing the information and just wants some extra love and attention!


Image (Screenshot)/Video Story Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Zeus had been losing weight for quite some time and was due for a detailed examination. But the first thing the vet staff did was shave his stomach for an ultrasound.

Zeus was offended at the “violating” procedure and made sure Mom got to hear all about it through his whiny outburst.


Image (Screenshot)/Video Story Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


To make matters worse, the ultrasound revealed a large tumor on his liver that required surgery. At the mere mention of the word “surgery”, Zeus flopped on his belly on the couch and began acting like his world just turned upside down.

He straight up refused to get in the car, and resumed his moaning and groaning barks to protest against all that scheming for surgery!


Image (Screenshot)/Video Story Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Despite struggling with the diagnosis, Zeus is still very much in tune with his signature over-dramatic tantrums! He certainly is a brave boy and we hope he feels better soon.

Keep your volume up for Zeus’ sassy-cute melodramatic antics after his vet visit! Click the video below to watch Zeus brooding over his medical diagnosis and throwing a heartbroken temper tantrum! ????

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