Impatient Husky Throws “Temper Tantrum” When Mom Asks Him To Wait 5-Mins For Walk

Though Mom loves taking Cody the Husky for long walks around the neighborhood, there are times when she’s too exhausted to do so. But Cody doesn’t care to hear any excuses that would delay his precious walk time!

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


In the video below, we see Cody’s impatient antics as Mom refuses to get out of bed for his scheduled walk. Drained by the day’s chores, Mom begs Cody to give her “5 more minutes” to rest.

But since he’s heard this “unreliable 5-more-minutes” rant far too many times before, he decides it’s time to ruthlessly badger Mom with a smoldering temper tantrum! ????


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Cody is pacing around Mom’s bed, refusing to bargain. He demands she fulfill her walk duty right now and starts howling in fury. Mom asks him quite playfully, “Five minutes in Husky time is like one hour, huh?” Cody not only ponders over Mom’s rhetorical question for a while but also replies back with an affirming “Howling”! ????


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Mom telling Cody to “hold his horses” elicited a hilarious response from him that had us all laughing! He sure is witty and funny. We found it especially adorable when he ran around the house in circles as he desperately tried to bargain with Mom.

Watch the video below to see Cody’s reaction when Mom tries to put off his daily walk!


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