He Stood By The Door To Wait For A Dog That Couldn’t Be His

It’s difficult to lose a pet. Many people would disagree, but my dogs are my children, and I could never get over losing one.


While microchips are more reliable than dog collars since they cannot fall off, not every pet owner chips their animals. Joshua Edwards received a phone call that Duke, his dog who had been missing for nearly a decade, was found. But how could that be?

Image/Story Source Credit: Miami Herald via YouTube



At some point, you must accept the fact that it’s time to move on. Even when it’s difficult to do so. Then the phone rings and someone says your dog has been recovered. It couldn’t possibly be the canine companion Edwards had lost eight years ago. This had to be a mistake.


He has a glimmer of optimism in his eyes, but he’s mostly anxious. Could something wonderful be on the other side of that door?


Image/Story Source Credit: Miami Herald via YouTube


You will just have to watch to find out! ????


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