In snowstorm Police Officer challenges heavy snow to save lost dog

Witnessing good people reach out and try to help an animal in need is one of the finest things in life. That’s precisely what an officer did to help a stranded puppy in a blizzard! In the deep snow, that dog became stuck.

Officer Dickman received the call and immediately went to the hiking section of the Bonneville Shortline Trail to rescue the dog. Fortunately, he found the dog before it was too late. According to ASO Dickman, the event shocked the dog.

Thankfully, the dog was then taken by Dickman to its owner’s home! It was a very brave effort by the officer, who risked her life to save the life of an innocent soul! How awesome!





Everyone like beautiful dogs… However, all dogs are lovely on the inside, and those who seem a bit different are as deserving of our affection. Some animal shelters have stated that “ugly” dogs are less often adopted and that they have had to convince adopters to look beyond superficial appearances.

One dog’s physical defect caused his family to give him up, not caring what happened to him… but some kind rescuers gave him the care and love he needed.

Facebook/St. Francis’ Angels

Half of the dog’s nose and part of his lips were gone. His teeth were misaligned, and he had bite scars from being assaulted by another animal. He was having difficulty eating and breathing.

Animal control was able to locate Bjarni’s owners… But, heartbreakingly, they didn’t care about getting their dog back and allegedly left him for death.

“They no longer desired to retain him and were prepared to let him die,” the St. Francis Angels wrote on Facebook.

Bjarni was returned to the shelter with his family’s backs turned… Fortunately, several guardian angels intervened to provide the sick canine with the treatment he required.

Anne Graber, the founder of the Texas animal rescue group St. Francis’ Angels, learned of Bjarni’s plight and took him in, vowing to care for him until he was well enough to be adopted.

Despite the dog’s disfigurements, Graber describes him as “vivacious and charming” despite his disfigurements.

Graber told the Huffington Post, “He is completely oblivious of his limits and deformities.” “He’s a sucker for everything that moves.”

“He won over even the most demanding and violent canines at our site,” she said to the Daily Mail.

Graber was determined to get Bjarni’s face repaired, and reached out to groups who could perform the surgery. She found veterinarian Jason Balara, of Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists, who agreed to repair the dog’s nose.

St. Francis’ Angels donated funds for medical expenses through their Facebook page. And individuals came through in a major way: according to the Daily Mail, kind donors contributed $5,100 to the procedure.

Bjarni’s face was rebuilt and his nose and sinus canals realigned throughout the treatment. Graber stated that the operation would not only make the dog “extremely adorable and highly adoptable,” but would also enhance his health by making it easier for him to breathe and eat.

And it was a huge success: Bjarni came out looking like a completely different dog.

Bjarni’s operation offered him a new lease on life… He got a new family a few months later.

In February 2016, a couple took the recovered dog a happy new home. “His mum and dad were smitten the first time they laid eyes on him,” St. Francis’ wrote on Facebook.

Graber says she was happy to help Bjarni, saying she knows how things could’ve easily gone differently for him if he hadn’t gotten help.

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