Inconsolable Pit Bull Froze As Man Touched His Face

When this Pit Bull’s photo made its rounds on social media, the response was overwhelming. City shelter volunteers from the Orange County Animal Services’ deemed the dog as one of the saddest cases they’ve ever seen. Social media followers agreed with this sentiment. The poor boy was heartbroken and it showed all over his face.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


Little did the Pittie know, his destiny was about to change! As inquiries came pouring in, one particular family stood out. Orange County Animal Services called the family up and told them to come in and meet the sad Pittie.

Rosco takes one look at these new people and isn’t sure what to make of them. They seem to like him but he is understandably hesitant. Still, his new mom and dad do all they can to reassure him. How can they help this sad dog finally see that he’s no longer alone? They need Rosco to accept them. His life is surely about to change for the better! 


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


As Rosco goes to his new home, his entire demeanor changes. It takes a bit of time, sure. But we promise you, Rosco’s transformation is one you will never forget! Check out The Dodo’s video to see the once sad, broken-hearted pup get a new life. Rosco’s story cannot be missed!

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