Meet Buoy, an 11-month-old Newfoundland pup who was hired to keep swimmers safe at Scarborough Beach State Park in southwestern Maine.w

Meet Buoy: Newfoundland Dog with Swimming Guard Duty at Scarborough Beach State Park

Newfoundland dog wearing red life jacket and lifeguard running into the water

On the southwest coast of Maine, at Scarborough Beach State Park, a Newfoundland dog named Buoy has become a trusted friend and respected protector for the area’s swimmers. With his excellent swimming ability and innate protective instincts, Buoy has become an important member of the safety team at the park.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 4 người, chó, đĩa ném và bãi biển

Buoy, a playful and affectionate Newfoundland dog, was hired to help keep swimmers safe at Scarborough Beach. With his large body and soft coat, Buoy is not only impressive in appearance, but also has excellent strength and swimming ability. This makes Buoy the ideal choice to ensure the safety of the swimming community in the area.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người, đĩa ném và bãi biển

Buoy is not only an ordinary guard dog, but also a reliable companion for those visiting Scarborough beach. He has been trained to detect and respond to dangerous situations in the water, like swimmers in distress or falling into danger. With natural talent and intuition, Buoy has the ability to recognize danger and quickly intervene to ensure everyone’s safety.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 5 người, đĩa ném và bãi biển

The encounters with Buoy have become memorable experiences for those who come to Scarborough Beach. Every day, Buoy welcomes visitors and swims with them, creating moments of joy and wellbeing. Water catchers and races with new friends created precious memories in everyone’s hearts.

However, Buoy’s role doesn’t just stop at entertaining and creating fun. He also plays the role


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