Injured Texas Dog Covered in Porcupine Quills Appears Heartbreaking and Desperate. WW

In Texas, two dogs are on the road to recovery after engaging in a fight with a porcupine, resulting in both canines being pierced by over a thousand quills.

Peggy Gamblin, a resident of Brown County, woke up one Sunday morning to a distressing sight—her Australian Shepherd and Boston Terrier were covered in porcupine quills. It became evident that during the previous night, the dogs had encountered a porcupine near their home.

Without delay, both dogs were promptly taken to an animal clinic, where a dedicated team worked tirelessly for over an hour and a half to remove the numerous quills embedded in their bodies.

“I have to take him back Friday, and they’re going to check his eye, and we have to check him every day, two or three times a day, because some of those quills are under the skin, and they’ve started working out,” Gamblin shared with KTAB News. She further revealed, “I took one out this morning, and we got two or three out yesterday.”

Presently, the dogs have returned home and are resting. It is estimated that the process of naturally expelling all the quills will take approximately two weeks, but both dogs are expected to make a full recovery.

Veterinarians commonly encounter similar incidents involving porcupine attacks, emphasizing that early intervention by bringing the animal to the vet is crucial for successful recuperation.

According to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Game Warden Travis Allen, porcupines are nocturnal creatures, making it rare for most individuals to encounter them. Allen explained that a single porcupine can possess up to 30,000 quills, averaging around 100 to 150 quills per square inch of their body surface.

While the dogs continue their healing journey, it serves as a reminder for pet owners to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent such encounters with wildlife.

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