A Chihuahua’s selfless act of nursing a sick dog back to health turns bittersweet as their hearts break when they are separated. zz

Jefe the Chihuahua and Jericho the German Shepherd seem like an unlikely pair to form a friendship, yet it is their unconditional bond of love that has helped them survive all this time.

Jericho was sick, malnourished, and tick-infested, but Jefe begged him to fight for life every day.

Source: Arizona Humane Society/Facebook

When they were found by the rescuers of Arizona Humane Society, Jefe was earnestly lying on top of Jericho to keep him warm.

Seeing that Jericho’s condition was severe, the volunteers arranged for him to be transported to the hospital immediately.

When the ambulance took Jericho away, poor Jefe broke down in helplessness. He had no idea why Jericho was being taken away from him.

He kept wailing and screaming, begging the rescuers to take him to his best friend. The rescuers realized that there was no way Jefe and Jericho could be kept apart.

Source: Arizona Humane Society/Facebook

At the hospital, Jericho was also found to have a bad case of valley fever. Jefe constantly stood by Jericho during his treatment, nursing him with love and care.

Meanwhile, the shelter has waived their adoption fees, and have put them up for adoption as a package deal. We hope Jericho gets well soon and they both get adopted soon!

Source: Arizona Humane Society

Update: Many potential adopters were overwhelmed with the idea of homing a Chihuahua and a German Shepherd together. After several months, the pair finally found their forever home with a lovely family. We hope they never go through the trauma of separation again. What a transcending bond of love!

Click the video below to watch Jefe’s and Jericho’s endearing moments of friendship!

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10 Of The “Most Loyal” Dog Breeds On The Planet
Giving love and support to humans is something that some dogs do better than others.

While many dogs love everyone they meet and are willing to take treats or belly rubs from anyone, the pups we found are just the opposite.

These 10 dogs are some of the most loyal breeds on the planet. They are rock steady in their loyalty to their owner no matter what.

1) Akita

When the American Kennel Club (AKC) lists loyalty to describe the temperament of the Akita, you know they mean business. The beautiful double-coated working dog of Japanese ancestry is considered hardwired in protecting those she loves. They should be socialized with other dogs and people from the time they are puppies. Their silly, fun, but dignified personalities round out the loyal Akita.

Source: NicoMonaco/Flickr

2) Boxer

This working dog is smart, full of energy, and oh so loyal to their family. They get along great with kids and have an innate instinct to protect their pack. He’s a watchdog with a heart of gold who oozes dedication to his owner.

Source: Pierre Pocs Photography/Flickr

3) Skye Terrier

Known as the “small dog with the big ears,” this adorable breed hails from the Scottish Isle of Skye, hence the name. Whether you live in the city or the country, this small dog with a big personality is steadfast in snuggling, playtime, and remaining loyal to his owners.

Source: WaketheSun/Flickr

4) Beagle

This merry hound is friendly, curious and incredibly loyal. While he doesn’t mind the occasional couch potato time, this spunky pooch is energetic and merry. A fun fact about this hound: the breed standard is for 13 inches and under and another in the 13-15 inch category. No matter how you size him, these adorable dogs just want to cling to you.

Source: Simon Hameau/Flickr

5) Shar-Pei

This wrinkly non-sporting breed is standoffish to strangers but very loyal to his owner. His ancient Chinese roots are part of the charm of the Shar-Pei. Regal, strong, and smart, if you want a BFF for life, this loose-skinned pooch may be the right choice for you.

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