Kids did pitch to reluctant mum to buy a dog – now family can’t live without him

Megan Lomax’s son and daughter pestered her to get them a four-legged friend – but she’s glad they did

Megan, 53, from Hackney, London, was wary about owning a dog, but her children, Eliza, now 18, and George, 15, had always longed for one.

“They’d been banging on about getting a dog ever since they were tiny,” says Megan. “They even did PowerPoint presentations about why we should get one and which breed would be best!”

Thanks to their persuasive techniques, Megan came round to the idea of having a dog. So when a rescue centre in Leicestershire called to say they had a five-month-old lurcher puppy who was more lively than most, it was clear the time was right for Megan, husband Guy, 55, and the kids to welcome their first pet dog, called Basil.

Five years on, gorgeous, loving Basil is a happy dog who offers emotional support, fun and cuddles to his owners – and has changed their lives for the better.

“It’s hard to put into words the difference he’s made. Basil is the centre of our family now,” explains Megan. “He’s quiet, non-judgmental company and gives unconditional love. He loves to snooze, but is up for a play if we go out.

“He gets us all out of the house walking… and he loves to cuddle up with the whole family together in the evening.”

‘It’s hard to put into words the difference he’s made – Basil is the centre of our family now and he gives unconditional love’

Megan adds: “Before we got him, George was suffering with anxiety – he’s since been diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder. Basil has helped immensely. As soon as he arrived, George became far more confident and eventually he was even happy to be left alone for the day… with Basil. It was like a miracle. George loves to take him for walks and even picks up his poo!”

The family now can’t imagine life without Basil

“Basil looks out for George when it’s home time from school, and gives him a lovely big greeting. He’s happy and patient to wait or just keep him company while George plays computer games or does his homework.

Doing what feels right

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Basil is a cheeky dog who suits the family’s lifestyle really well – and he also takes his job as staff model for Megan’s picnic blanket company very seriously. “We can’t imagine life without him now,” says Megan. “He’s so easy-going. If it’s raining, he won’t bother going for a walk. In the evening, he’ll stand in the doorway and do this one bark, which means, ‘Come and sit with me.’ And one of us always does.”

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